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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 12, 2005
Houston, Tx is having a competition to see who can come up with the best Photoshop mockup of what apple's next product will be.
Here's mine... :D :cool:


  • MiniHDTV.pdf
    230.9 KB · Views: 502
I think I would buy one. As long as the sides weren't too thick, but nonetheless, I do love it. It's a very nice mockup!
Dafke said:
Nice! but erm, 1920*1820 resolution? You sure?

*Should be 1920 x 1080 resolution* :eek: = 1080p
DAMMIT you had to point out the only typo!!! i poured over that thing before i sent it in and posted it... DAMMIT I MISSED THAT :p
Its actually just a regular Phillips TV with some easy photoshop work on it.
erased the Phillips logo with the rubber stamp tool. replaced it with the apple logo(aqua version).
Pulled a screen shot from the Cars Trailer in HD and put in it on the tv screen. Same with Front Row screenshot.
Pulled the keyboard and mouse from the Imac PR photos on Apples website.
Then just to mirror them... just duplicate everything and mirror it and fade the bottom out.
I placed the final photoshop image into Indesign and did all my text work there. :D
fairly simple in procedure... nothing complicated about it. Just takes a working knowledge of Photoshop
To be mean and point out errors...

1. The bar below "Big is beautiful" it should say intel core duo instead of intel core.

2. In the hard drive description "upto", thats two words.

3. In the first paragraph of description second sentnce, and is used twice in a row instead of commas.

4. Maxium video memory says "256MB", it needs a space to be "256 MB"

5. last sentece first paragraph, needs a period.

6. third sentnce last paragrph needs to be edited, it ends with "previously".

To be mean and be a critic..

1. It dosent look line an Apple. after all it is a Phillips TV.

2. the name dosen't make any sence especially when it says "big is beautiful" and the name has mini in it and its not mini.

There is more grammer errors but I do like it so don't take this offensively. I realize my grammer sucks but it dosent really matter here. I think I shall enter in this contest and probably lose due to horrible photoshop work.
wow, very nice job replecating the apple web page, although i agree with others it doesnt LOOK like an apple, but it could very well be the direction that Apple is heading, i say work at it a little bit more, and it would be AMAZING! please dont stop here, come back with more revisions/design changes to make it look more Mac. also, i would edit the specs, to make them a bit more realistic. for example, the Screen resolution it is 1900 or something by 1800 ish, that is almost square, and the screen is deffinately widescreen. start with 1440 by 900 and just expand the ratios to fit the larger screen, that would make it more realistic. other than that, a VERY good job and thank you for posting it.
Good job, but I don't see a clear relation to a Mac mini. It's more like a larger iMac with built in TV-tuner.
I think the resolution is too high for its size. HDTV's that small would have 720p, not 1080p. PC's are one thing, but you sit WAY closer.
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