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Dane D.

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 16, 2004
Don't have a link, read this in USAToday, Friday, Mar 9 issue, Business section. For anybody that is in business, Apple's marketing is top notch. As a advertising person I enjoyed the positive read and many lessons can be learned from what they do. Please check it out. Would love to be a fly on the wall in Redmond this morning.:D


macrumors regular
Apr 3, 2006
Why is Apple's marketing so spectacularly revered? Here's the answer:

Apple CEO Steve Jobs' bet paid off like a gushing Vegas jackpot. The avalanche of headlines and TV news stories about the iPhone — which hits the market in June — already have generated $400 million in free publicity, says Harvard Business School professor David Yoffie. "No other company has ever received that kind of attention for a product launch," Yoffie says. "It's unprecedented."

Because they don't have to pay for it. They generate enough frothing excitement [and controversy] in certain sectors of the industry they target [the cell phone market] that they actually make the news do their heavy lifting.

It's great marketing when you can get all that exposure without paying for any of it. It also is something that can be nearly impossible for other companies to emulate. Crazy stuff.
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