I am in Sydney thinking of giving him an Ipad as a surprised present when he's recovered as well for his younger brother. The Preordered Ipad is to be delivered on 28th May 2010. So I ordered by phone on 10th May, received by operator named Julian. By using 2 emails I ordered 2 units of 64GB n 1 unit of 32GB 3G iPad. He gave me 3 order no and I could pay directly to the bank. On the same day I went to National Australia Bank to direct deposit to Apple Store which has a CitiBank account. The Bank said the next day which is on 11th May Apple should received my money by then.
The next day on 11th. I checked my order status through Apple website n phone. I found out that my order no is only 1 unit 64GB instead of 2 units n not yet received the money. On 12th, I called n received by Christina. She helped me to correct the mistaken order n found out that one of the order number that given to me was false. It belongs to someone in Japan. On the 15th Friday (5 days after they called "pre-order") they've just received the money and gave some bad news "Your shipment is on 7th June n we can't do anything. Accept it or You'll get a refund". Even when I told my story, the operator could not help anything. I'll have to go back for goods to Jakarta on 2nd June. My dream 've just shattered to give it to my son at the time he'll discharge from the hospital.
I have to redirect the shipment to my friend's address in Melbourne and asked her to ship to me as she'll receive the thing.
"Please allow 1 business day for the processing of your Direct Deposit". Your statement in Sales Policy means nothing. You should have change it. so other buyer aware of your "online sales treatment". If you can't deliver the thing promptly then don't sell it online. or may be you can put this way " Once we receive your money. allow us to deliver it as long as we can"
(Please don't lie, as it is recorded, it takes 3-5 days to match the order against the payment. That's the reason the operator send the thing on the 2nd batch. Don't forget to change the preordered ipad date .,SnUnCnKnEnR..SSSS. It is still 28 May2010 on the website. It's A BIG LIE. People think Apple will deliver the thing on 28 May instead of 7 0r even 9 June. Sue Apple for Class Action.
The next day on 11th. I checked my order status through Apple website n phone. I found out that my order no is only 1 unit 64GB instead of 2 units n not yet received the money. On 12th, I called n received by Christina. She helped me to correct the mistaken order n found out that one of the order number that given to me was false. It belongs to someone in Japan. On the 15th Friday (5 days after they called "pre-order") they've just received the money and gave some bad news "Your shipment is on 7th June n we can't do anything. Accept it or You'll get a refund". Even when I told my story, the operator could not help anything. I'll have to go back for goods to Jakarta on 2nd June. My dream 've just shattered to give it to my son at the time he'll discharge from the hospital.
I have to redirect the shipment to my friend's address in Melbourne and asked her to ship to me as she'll receive the thing.
"Please allow 1 business day for the processing of your Direct Deposit". Your statement in Sales Policy means nothing. You should have change it. so other buyer aware of your "online sales treatment". If you can't deliver the thing promptly then don't sell it online. or may be you can put this way " Once we receive your money. allow us to deliver it as long as we can"
(Please don't lie, as it is recorded, it takes 3-5 days to match the order against the payment. That's the reason the operator send the thing on the 2nd batch. Don't forget to change the preordered ipad date .,SnUnCnKnEnR..SSSS. It is still 28 May2010 on the website. It's A BIG LIE. People think Apple will deliver the thing on 28 May instead of 7 0r even 9 June. Sue Apple for Class Action.