The fact is that Apple is facing a few challenges that it should not have to face if it would stay true to their reputation.
By reputation I refer to products that work, how customers expect them to.
This includes considering simple things such as :
- Be real, who doesn't slip his iPhone in his trowser pocket ?
- Updates are supposed to be "prefect", thats a fundamental that entices users to update their previous hardware in a time-consuming manner
- Captive market/Apple-Tax; words that apple-fans can live with as long as Apple delivers guarantees such as a secure environment
and many other tid-bits that make Apple products so lovingly simple but that obviously the top management of Apple really don't care about since SJ has left
So, yes Apple is justly living a hard moment. Hopefully it will address the core causes that brought them about.
But I must say that the "watch after valentine's day" heading is more trash news than anything else.