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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jun 4, 2002
Ottawa, ON
Just a thought: Is apple looking into new revenue streams? I mean, in recent years they introduced the ipod, quicktime pro, and .mac. Does this indicate that apple's trying to move away from making most of its money from macs? Could they be preparing some completely new platform? (hey, it sounds unlikely, but I bet that's what the old apple II fans thought)
Make it where you can

Apple and other companies will be looking to offer a Diverse amount of products and Services.

We can't get to an era like the Jetsons without companies trying to offer unique ways of using our computers.

I'm's still in its infancy but look for it to evolve nicely.
Gorkgod, you are an angry man, but that's your own business.

I think that apple is going to branch out more and more. The Digital Hub need devices. I want something I can control with my mind:D
The thing with apple is that they've tried to diverisfy before, and in the end they just end up cutting all of their non-mac products whenever they hit a bump in their profitability. For example, Apple used to make, printers, speakers, cd-roms, and last but not least (well, it is for eyelikeart), PDAS.
I really wish Apple still sold their own printers.
Companies have to remain profitable

Originally posted by topicolo
The thing with apple is that they've tried to diverisfy before, and in the end they just end up cutting all of their non-mac products whenever they hit a bump in their profitability. For example, Apple used to make, printers, speakers, cd-roms, and last but not least (well, it is for eyelikeart), PDAS.
I really wish Apple still sold their own printers.

Look at the printer market today. A few majors and then alot of second tier.

Free services like Webmail are expensive to the company. Bandwith costs alot of money and maintenence.

Apple when as far as they could go. How many of you have or know someone with more than one iDisk? Or Webmail account. FREE is a license to abuse

I look forward to Apple rolling out new features that PAYING customers demand. This ensures the best's like Tipping Apple for good service.
Originally posted by drastik
Gorkgod, you are an angry man, but that's your own business.

well, he does have a point about not buying any new hardware until it's state-of-the-art. There, I completely agree at the current prices. But not as angrily. :D
State of the ART

Originally posted by iH8Quark

well, he does have a point about not buying any new hardware until it's state-of-the-art. There, I completely agree at the current prices. But not as angrily. :D

He conspicuously failed to mention just what "State of the Art" is.

I love it when people complain just for the sake of complaining.
Re: State of the ART

Originally posted by nuckinfutz
He conspicuously failed to mention just what "State of the Art" is.

Last I checked state of the art meant "at the cutting edge of technology". Sheesh, I would even settle for new or current technology. Need a tower big time. :(

Originally posted by nuckinfutz
I love it when people complain just for the sake of complaining.

Evidently, you're not a pro user, or video editor, or effects guy. There is much room to complain. Those people (myself included) feel pretty helpless right now. But that's been discussed at length in other threads, and I don't feel like getting into it again. I think (*hopes*) the new towers will be fab. ;)
Digital Audio/Video

Is where I'm headed.

I'm optimistic because Hardware is always easier to improve than Software. I see good things happendin but to be fair ...we've waited long enough .

Oh, I completely agree, I do Pro Video editing, and you don't see me buying a current tower, I'm not till the tech is caught up at least.

I was just reacting to the vehemence on Grkgod's part. I want a new Tower, I'm hoping for august, but it may not happen. For all of that, I understand Apple's stratagey in appealing to the consumer market. Its what I do in my business, and it works very well. Consumers spend more money more regularly, as a whole, and any Pro working with apple is doing so for a reason other than raw speed, otherwise, we would have all jusmed ship a year ago.
Originally posted by topicolo
For example, Apple used to make, printers

Most of the printers that apple "made" if not all were rebranded devices made by other companies. I am glad that Apple is not wasting hardware developers to make products that are better made by other companies. HP makes damn good laser printers, and HP and Epson make pretty darn nice inkjet printers.

I would like to see an Apple Tivo, mainly because I want to see something with 802.11g (which is compatible with 802.11b) Hell, it could even act as an alternative to an airport base station. Obviously it would have to have a broadband and dialup connection. I would want to be able to copy a movie or tv show to my laptop to watch it. I would even be happy if they made qt pro necessary to copy it to your computer, that way they could tie the movie to your qt key, to make the mpaa happy.

PDA's I am not so sure about. I would love to see a handheld machine running OSX. The palm is okay, but I want something that has built in wireless that I can get a tcsh on.

The iPod really shows that Apple can expand into a market and dominate it. It is the best hard drive based mp3 player that I have seen. That rio is the ugliest thing I have ever seen. I would be embarassed to carry it around. The airport is way overpriced for what you get. I have one, only because my employeer bought it for me (as long as I stay with them). I think that Apple should consider partnering with Sony on some products. I think a PDA would be a great thing to work together on. Apple could license OSX to sony, sony could design and build it. Apple would be able to make money from it without risking as much if it fails (and the only way it would fail would be if they charged too damn much for it.

If Apple made a PDA, I am afraid they would try to sell it for $1,000.
OMG, that's an AWESOME idea! If Apple came out with a set-top box like the tivo that was also a base-station that sold for a reasonable price, it would sell like hotcakes! Well, at least I'd get one. :)
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