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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 14, 2014
It fails to connect from yesterday with the message.

There may be a problem with the mail server or network. Verify the settings for account “iCloud” or try again.

The server returned the error: The connection to the server “” on port 993 timed out.

Of course, all settings are correct, and Apple's System Status page says iCloud Mail is OK. Does anybody else experience this?
Google Mail is OK, BTW.


Jun 8, 2018
This problem is affecting newer versions up to El Cap as well, so far no one has been able to get word from Apple that there will be a fix so it is unlikely they care unfortunately. Logging into iCloud via a web browser still seems to work though.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 14, 2014
They must fix it because using iCloud Mail with macOS 10.7.5 and newer is declared in their official iCloud System Requirements as falling under minimal requirements. Calendars and Address Book (aka Contacts in post-Lion systems) sync as expected.
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