Jeewhizz said:
Another Question:
How can i get a "compose new message" button on the dock? I tried to drag it from mail, but to no avail
In windows, you just create a shortcut to "mailto:"
Dock icons need to be actual files or folders. I know of two ways you can do this.
The easy way is to go to a text editor and type 'mailto:'. Select the text and drag it to Finder, which will create a file. Rename the file something like 'Create New Message', and drag it to the right side of the Dock.
The harder way is to create an application to do the same. You can use this method if you want the icon on the left hand side of the Dock with the other applications (eg next to Mail), but otherwise use the first method.
Go to Open /Applications/AppleScript/Script Editor and type in:
tell application "Mail"
set newMessage to make new outgoing message
set visible of newMessage to true
end tell
Go to File->Save. Save anywhere with a name something like 'New Mail Message', but make sure that the file format is application, and 'startup screen' and 'stay open' and not checked.
Now drag the application to the left hand side of the Dock, and clicking on it will create a new message (even if Mail is not open).
If you want a more guided script, there is one at /Library/Scripts/Mail/Create New Message.scpt, which asks you questions like 'What do you want the body to be', 'What do you want the subject to be' etc. To use this, you'd need to open it, save as application, and then put it in the Dock.