Hello All,
I have a rMBP Mid 2015 - Mojave 10.14.16 & running Mail 12.4.
My rMBP is running out of disk space & really struggles - heats up quickly with fans running at 6000rpm. I knew I was getting low on space so thought maybe freeing some up would help.
I have always had problems & issues with Apple mail - it regularly does not load (not responding) when starting up, produces regular beach-balls, freezes, regularly randomly quits & eats a lot of resources which slows the computer down drastically.
I have a trial version of an App called Daisy Disk - got it to determine where all my storage was being consumed. I noticed that in Users > Library > Containers (218.7GB) there is a file called "com.apple.mail" that is taking up 217.3GB of space.
In Library there is also a file called Mail taking up 72.1GB.
On my MacintoshHD there are also two files called "private" & "hidden space" which are taking up 13GB & 12.8GB respectively.
I am not at all savvy on these things but surely the above suggests something is wrong & both Apple Mail & com.apple.mail should not be taking up so much space? Also I do not know what is taking up the space in the private & hidden space files.
I would dearly like to resolve this issue so can anyone please kindly give me detailed step by step that a noob can understand & follow to sort the above out? It seems as if I am losing around 250GB-300GB+ of disk space to this alone?
Please kindly have a look at the numbered screen-shots attached to show matters better,
Many Kind Thanks,
I have a rMBP Mid 2015 - Mojave 10.14.16 & running Mail 12.4.
My rMBP is running out of disk space & really struggles - heats up quickly with fans running at 6000rpm. I knew I was getting low on space so thought maybe freeing some up would help.
I have always had problems & issues with Apple mail - it regularly does not load (not responding) when starting up, produces regular beach-balls, freezes, regularly randomly quits & eats a lot of resources which slows the computer down drastically.
I have a trial version of an App called Daisy Disk - got it to determine where all my storage was being consumed. I noticed that in Users > Library > Containers (218.7GB) there is a file called "com.apple.mail" that is taking up 217.3GB of space.
In Library there is also a file called Mail taking up 72.1GB.
On my MacintoshHD there are also two files called "private" & "hidden space" which are taking up 13GB & 12.8GB respectively.
I am not at all savvy on these things but surely the above suggests something is wrong & both Apple Mail & com.apple.mail should not be taking up so much space? Also I do not know what is taking up the space in the private & hidden space files.
I would dearly like to resolve this issue so can anyone please kindly give me detailed step by step that a noob can understand & follow to sort the above out? It seems as if I am losing around 250GB-300GB+ of disk space to this alone?
Please kindly have a look at the numbered screen-shots attached to show matters better,
Many Kind Thanks,