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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 20, 2024
Apple Music is a mess. All of my albums have the wrong cover art on the mac and the phone, the interface is inscrutable and unwieldy. The subscription model is a dead end for artists, and I just want the functionality of classic iTunes.

I've downloaded Museeks, but I'm really looking for a full-featured recap of iTunes. Is that so wrong? Anybody got anything?
Depends on what macOS you're on but there's Retroactive, I've installed 10.7 on Monterey using that and it works fine other than a strange warning that it can't access the iTMS every time I start it.
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The Retroactive page suggests it's not being supported anymore and offers pointers for alternatives, so it may die in a future OS update. I use Swinslan, which is like old-original iTunes -- I just wish it had a remote control app so I can control it from my phone.
thanks--I'm not sure I need Apple music, as I don't stream anything--I just want the functionality of iTunes for my purchased and ripped music.
There's Soor

Might be something. I bought it, It works as advertised. Being a third party Apple Music player.. plays my purchased songs from iTunes Store as well.

There's a few UI snags so just be beware of that.
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