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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 14, 2017
I subscribed to the Apple Music 90 day free trial. After syncing with iCloud I later noticed that eight of my songs that were already in my iTunes library were greyed out and would not play. Looking at the "Song Info" in iTunes these songs were listed as located in iCloud and status was "Waiting". I opened a case with Apple Support and after an hour of work their answer was "Sorry, you'll have to re-rip those songs from your CDs." I never did get a logical explanation about why Apple Music decided I should no longer have those songs in my library. There were some vague references to DRM issues, but these songs were ripped from MY own CDs and they really couldn't explain it. So, I cancelled the trial subscription and then the songs were totally gone. Grrrr. And besides that I was very disappointed in how Apple Music works. I found it to be difficult to navigate in terms of getting it to play music I was actually interested in hearing and there were too many repeats. The training process is not good. Pandora is way better in terms of user interface and service. I was going to buy a HomePod based on Apple Music use, but not now. If HomePod ever supports Pandora I will reconsider it.


macrumors G4
Jun 30, 2007
1) Apple doesn't delete data files (music included) off of your Mac.
2) You should have a Time Machine, CCC or other type of backup of ALL your data.

You must have deleted the tracks after they were uploaded or matched by AM/iCML expecting them to stream.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 14, 2017
Julien, thanks for the note.
After my library was uploaded to iCloud, the songs were greyed out and would not play.
I am very sure I did not delete those songs from my library.
After I canceled AM, they were gone from even being shown in iTunes, much less greyed out. Mysterious.
Yes, I do have everything backed up in TimeMachine. It's just very aggravating.
One other thing that happened was that after turning on AM on my iPhone X, one of my favorite Playlists was altered in that all songs that were NOT purchased the from iTunes Store were dropped from the playlist. Something else I have to go back and reconstruct.


Mar 21, 2011
When you cancel AM, you loose access to everything, even your own uploaded stuff, because they are now on Apple services, which you no longer have a subscription to play you own music.
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