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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 17, 2016
Hi. My iPhone and iPad always changes apple music restrictions settings to "clean".
It's kind of i listening music and wanna find some track (explicit) and it's grey. Than i go to restrictions setting and iOS switch it to "clean". :confused:
There was few messages on apple boards about that but without answers.

How can i fix it? I have newest iOS updates, but this bug from iOS8.4 to me.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 17, 2016
Just a thought. Do you have restrictions enabled in iTunes?



macrumors 6502
Nov 11, 2010
I'm in the US and have never had this restriction problem until I upgraded to iOS 10 on both my iPad and iPhone. For whatever reason Tim Cook has decided I should no longer be able to listen to a couple of my favorite Podcasts. When I go to Settings/General, Restrictions show as Off, yet I am in fact restricted. Allowed Content for Music, Podcasts & News shows as Clean. This shouldn't have any impact as I have Restrictions off. But hey, why not set to None to be safe. When I Enable Restrictions to give me access to Restrictions, Music, Podcasts & News, Movies and TV Shows remain greyed out and I can't change anything! Ridiculous. I have an appointment at the Genius Bar next Tuesday. They are jammed until then.


macrumors 68000
Oct 13, 2011
Brooklyn NY
Not to complain about people who like explicit music but I hate explicit music and i find many times that I actually can't turn it off. Especially with other services where they play clean songs well for me they always play explicit songs.

Its seems people who like explicit songs they play clean versions and for me who likes clean songs they play explicit songs. I think it is a conspiracy.
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