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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jan 19, 2008
Hi, not to long ago I tried out a streaming service (Deezer) which I loved right away: clean interface where it's really easy to indicate whether you love or hate a song. The best thing is 'Flow': based on your likes it just starts playing music you love, combined with songs Deezer things you will like. Launching Deezer and starting music is literally one click. I forgot about my iTunes library right away.

Now, with Apple Music, I'm finding it hard to find a similar feature as Flow. I realize both the iOS and iTunes interface are a horrible, counterintuitive mess, but I assume Apple will fix this in a 12 to 18 months. So I'm willing to put up with it. Although I'm not convinced it's a good idea to mix your own music and streaming music. And Deezer was much faster in picking up my music taste than Apple Music (which is weird given my huge iTunes library). But I really miss an option to just play the music I love?

Do I start a "Station" of song a like? Or do the Apple Music playlist also contain Loved songs? And what about Genius playlists? So much to choose from. And so many taps or clicks. I just want a play button :)

At the moment, I feel that Apple Music is great for music discovery, but too much hassle to quickly use.
...I think you just "hope" they play more of what you "hearted" at some point.

Clunky for sure. Should be a running list you can access of all hearts over time.
I've been with Deezer for years and I thought I'd be cancelling as soon as Apple Music hit the scene. I was really looking forward to a much tighter iOS integration.

How wrong I was. The is absolutely no comparison with Apple Music and Deezer.

The bods at Apple should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. With all their resources they can't produce a world class steaming system.

Apple Music is a clunky, confusing, bug-ridden mess.

V1 is no excuse. I don't think Apple with have it right in V5!
How wrong I was. The is absolutely no comparison with Apple Music and Deezer.
Apple Music is a clunky, confusing, bug-ridden mess.

Yeah, I really want to love Apple Music, but it's a mess. Deezer is the same price as Apple Music so I guess I'll stick with that service. I'm even more impressed with it now :) For instance, clicking next immediately starts the new song. Not so much with Apple Music. I guess you're right it's just embarrassing.

The fact that Apple Music just suggested 2 playlists of Britney Spears (which I never played, owned or liked before) does not sit well either ;-)

And of course, I also fell victim to the iCloud music / iTunes Match bug messing up my local library. And just noticed that if you heart a song or album in iTunes, the heart goes away again after 15 seconds. WTF? Why even bother?
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Oh and I forgot to add Apple Music is SLOW!

Deezer: click a song and it streams instantly.

Amazon Fire TV: click a movie and it streams in under half a second.

Apple Music: click a song and if it streams within 7 seconds you're doing well.
yeah, I'm not surprised it's so slow. All Apple's services are extremely slow, so that was to be expected. I'm afraid their backend technology is not up to it, regardless of the user load.
I was also pretty amazed with the speed of Deezer: even if you skip songs, they do indeed start instantly!
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Well, it won't do exactly what you asked, but you can create a smart playlist of stuff you've hearted. Of course, that will only play the exact songs you've loved and won't add in other stuff it thinks you'll like, and it doesn't work if you're only using AM on iOS (as you can't create smart playlists on iOS). But if you create it in iTunes and cloud-sync it to your phone, it will update when you heart songs on your phone.
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