I'm sorry but the Apple Music service really should be it's own app, I don't care for streaming or radio and it feels completely forced on the users. Having the Apple Music service combined with my local music collection feels way too crowded. I don't know why you guys seem ok with everything Apple does but they have been royally screwing over iOS since 7.0 and it seems to be getting worse. The app needs to be streamlined and the UI needs to be severely revised and refined.
Apple should spin off their Music service, call it Apple Beats, have it be an optional download in the App Store and leave the stock music app be a local MP3 player which is all I care about.
Call me old school, but I want the default music app to be more like it was in iOS 6 (the best music/iPod app), I used to use my iPhone as my iPod to play locally stored, but not any longer which makes me sad because Apple used to make the best music players and software and I really enjoyed playing music on my iPhone but that joy and experience is lost.
Although now I have a lot more free space on my 64GB iPhone 6 and the Music app (along with the unnecessary and hideous new icon) is now buried deep into a folder when it used to deserve a spot right on the main dock.