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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 10, 2022
Does anyone have any ideas and experience with an alternative to the junk and crap app “Apple Music” that has my music library held hostage?

Now that I have upgraded my hardware in computing inventory, on both moble and big boy toys It seems I am stuck with the default music player for Apple, and I am finding more and more bugs and non-working parts of that app everyday; and its just not going to work like iTunes did in any stretch of the imagination.

I have over 11,500 individual song titles in my music library, made up of all genre, and it stretches out to over 33 days of continuous play time… and its current, with many of the more recent titles being purchased through the Apple iTunes Store. Needless to say, I have a lot invested into it; particularly as it relates to effort, and time; but not to leave out the mention of monetarily. There has been a lot of money dropped in the iTunes Store. All those decisions we made under the premise that the iTunes software or something else that came from Apple that worked satisfactorily as a digital asset manager would continue to function and do the same job as iTunes had been doing for all these years. I am finding that just isn’t the case with Apple Music. And frankly, it just plain sucks. It’s broke and can not manage my music anywhere close to the what iTunes did, and even the parts the Music apps tries, it fails miserably, with incessant bugs and flaws in the design and operation. It can’t even get the music playlists correct, or synchronization of them across my devices via iCloud.

Has a one found a viable alternative that can be used? It’s an absolute shame that a company such as Apple that was known for producing quality products that “just work” fall apart so quickly, but it seems that is what has happened.

I am looking for something, anything that can reasonably replace the iTunes management and functionality that I got used to, (its bugs and all) of a like kind software… Any ideas?

I read recently that Apple was about to convert the Windows version of iTunes over to the Music app… which sucks because that is the only thing I have found that still worked reasonably well and was capable of managing play lists, etc… I also have a extensive library of DVD’s that I have and was wanting to convert the totality of those into all digital to be incorporated into a multi-media library where I could have a entertainment server for the house… the was the original plan and even Synology had started producing an iTunes server software that could be used with their NAS hardware. Of curse that all came to a crashing halt when Apple made its shift to the Music app.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated; - I have started to preliminarily started looking at PLEX server, but hear it has its own set of issues and the interface isn’t very intuitive. I personally liked where Apple was going with Front Row that had already been integrated into both the Apple software and hardware (remotes for Mac mini and iMac’s had already been combined with the sale of the hardware… so Apple’s shift in this realm must have cost them something…



macrumors 6502
Jun 21, 2014
It is not clear to me what you are trying to do with Music that your are having problems with other than not syncing across devices. I have an extensive library, slightly larger than yours and am able to sync between multiple phones, pads, computers, Apple TV and a home Sonos system. The sync is something I had a problem with that was due to multiple OSes across the computers, not with the phones or pads.

If you are wanting the functionality of managing both your music, and video from the same software not sure of what available for that.

Don't feel like I helped but the sync issue of music seems like a setup issue. 🤷‍♂️
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Jun 30, 2007
The Ferrari of music players is the $$$$ Roon. Integrates streaming services Tidal, Qobuz (but not Apple Music) with the music files on your hard disk. Plays hi-res PCM and DSD tracks on devices that support it. Airplays to Apple TV but not HomePods.

Probably best to separate video from Music using different players. I run Plex from both QNAP and Synology servers. Infuse will do the same basic things, but Plex has many more options such as extensive search capabilities.



macrumors newbie
Jul 1, 2007
It is not clear to me what you are trying to do with Music that your are having problems with other than not syncing across devices. I have an extensive library, slightly larger than yours and am able to sync between multiple phones, pads, computers, Apple TV and a home Sonos system. The sync is something I had a problem with that was due to multiple OSes across the computers, not with the phones or pads.

If you are wanting the functionality of managing both your music, and video from the same software not sure of what available for that.

Don't feel like I helped but the sync issue of music seems like a setup issue. 🤷‍♂️
It feels like Apple is in the final stage of migrating people to their Apple Music subscription model. Recurring revenue makes perfect business sense, and it's fine if you mostly stream like my 13- and 17-yos, but doesn't work so well for those of us who've carefully, lovingly curated libraries of ~15,000 tracks over decades. I know this from bitter experience, having tried to integrate Apple Music into my music file library on three separate occasions, and it's been a disaster each time: favorite recordings replaced with Apple's preferred versions, lyrics wiped out, artwork swapped, duplicates/triplicates spawning with abandon, etc. I've lost close to a week of long days in the course of reverting Apple Music's meddling.

I've been able to mostly fend off Apple Music's frequent and aggressive self-promotions, even though succumbing would save hundreds of dollars a year -- the difference between a family plan for an Apple bundle and individual, monthly subscriptions for Apple Music, Apple TV+, and iCloud+, all of which we use in different combinations. As I understand it from Apple, individuals can't opt out if the family plan has been adopted.

Now I'm trying to find a non-Apple music library management application that syncs intelligently with iOS devices, is compatible with a variety of file formats, and works well with AirPlay and Sonos. If successful, I can keep my music files out of Apple's clutches and still enjoy the economic advantages of an Apple bundle family plan.

Any recommendations would be welcome.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 11, 2017
As I understand it from Apple, individuals can't opt out if the family plan has been adopted.

Yes they can. You invite members into the family and they don't have to accept. They can leave if they want- or the family manager can remove them from the family in one click.
They can have their own subscription then or not as they want.


macrumors 6502
Jun 21, 2014
It feels like Apple is in the final stage of migrating people to their Apple Music subscription model. Recurring revenue makes perfect business sense, and it's fine if you mostly stream like my 13- and 17-yos, but doesn't work so well for those of us who've carefully, lovingly curated libraries of ~15,000 tracks over decades. I know this from bitter experience, having tried to integrate Apple Music into my music file library on three separate occasions, and it's been a disaster each time: favorite recordings replaced with Apple's preferred versions, lyrics wiped out, artwork swapped, duplicates/triplicates spawning with abandon, etc. I've lost close to a week of long days in the course of reverting Apple Music's meddling.

I've been able to mostly fend off Apple Music's frequent and aggressive self-promotions, even though succumbing would save hundreds of dollars a year -- the difference between a family plan for an Apple bundle and individual, monthly subscriptions for Apple Music, Apple TV+, and iCloud+, all of which we use in different combinations. As I understand it from Apple, individuals can't opt out if the family plan has been adopted.

Now I'm trying to find a non-Apple music library management application that syncs intelligently with iOS devices, is compatible with a variety of file formats, and works well with AirPlay and Sonos. If successful, I can keep my music files out of Apple's clutches and still enjoy the economic advantages of an Apple bundle family plan.

Any recommendations would be welcome.
I do not know of another management application that does what you want and have not experienced the issues you mention with Apple Music replacing a song with a more popular version of the song as you have. The only "unique" part of my setup up is that I store my music library locally, not in the cloud or Apple's default locations (same with photos, and movies). In fact there are very very few items I store in the cloud. This results in me syncing my files to my devices, i.e. I do not pull files/songs from the cloud almost everything is stored locally. Because of this I tend to purchase my devices with a fair amount of storage space, and prioritize what I store on them. My daughter is the only member that has to manage her storage as she likes to have several movies, and TV shows on her phone when she travels. Syncing is done overnight on my local network.


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
OP complains:
"It’s broke and can not manage my music anywhere close to the what iTunes did"

OK, well... why don't you just install and run iTunes instead, and go back to "the way things were"?

"Has a one found a viable alternative that can be used?"
You need the FREE app called "Retroactive":
Click the "latest" button (on the right, a little down on the page) to download it.

Then... just run it. Click on "iTunes" and Retroactive will install it and "fix it" to run on your new hardware/software.

Try that, and get back to us with your results.
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macrumors newbie
Aug 4, 2016
Having some 21,000 tracks to manage in Apple Music is a complete nightmare period! Until recently I used to synch across multiple devices but had issues with songs being removed, incomplete albums and album covers that were a joke - I restored and added metadata to the point where it actually reminded of how bad keeping Windows used to be in the past? and the time it takes to sync with Apple servers - well I can't blame Apple for that but I can blame them for the appalling speeds when switching off synching across devices and manually moving music to your phone - its appalling!

As I see it, Apple Music is all things to all people and fails mostly for those who have an extensive collection and want to maintain it simply - why not - well I've been collecting it for years and just like the fact that I can access it on my iMac or iPad or phone. So what's the problem with my use case - Just look at the interface - its so heavily weighted against collectors its so infuriating - Listen Now is okish.., Browse - as I scroll down it now it has Dance XL, Playlists we love (who does? not me!!), Must Hear Hip-Hop and R&B - I can't stand this music, Classical (has its own app), World of Africa Now, DJ Mixes and so on and so on - approx 90% I can't stand!!. Let's move to the Radio button - Music 1 meh! Music Country (not for me please) and on and on it goes. Library fares no better - I don't want to know what I recently added and the edit option at the top of the screen Playlists, Artist, Albums etc.. I just want to see my library - why is that such a problem Apple - it's my ******* Library after all. Finally Search- again wasted with options I wouldn't and don't use - wtf is going on - this is bloatware par excellence - I thought I read some years ago that Apple were trying to slim down iTunes - web they've created a monster with Apple Music - 90% of it is crap and the bugs in it I don't want to go into - It needs a serious overhaul - maybe having a collector focus and the all in one bloatware.

As for alternatives there aren't that many apart from the various skins that overlie your library - If anyone has found one let me down. Apologies for the moan but seriously Apple you can do better than this and I say that as an Apple user of over 30+ years.

Oh and don't get me started when after I synch my files - go to open my Music and then be told by Apple that My Music tracks are not available to play in my country - despite owning them grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! Enough is enough!
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macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2017
I subscribed to YouTube instead of Apple Music, and have never looked back.

Not sure it’s a replacement to Apple Music, more instead of.
It’s a different service, and I don’t have it for the music in particular, I don’t listen a lot to music at all these days. But there’s an entire separate app for only music lovers - YouTube Music are included in the subscription.
Don’t open it so much, but it’s there.
I rather use YouTube for meditations, talks and events down the lane of consciousness raising things.
Also for everything espresso, sports and other things that interest me.

Apple Music is history to me, but I have a playlist on my iPhone that I use separated as it doesn’t sync to other devices. It didn’t when I subscribed to Apple Music either 😂
But I use it at times as it is a good playlist of guided meditations.
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macrumors newbie
Aug 4, 2016
I subscribed to YouTube instead of Apple Music, and have never looked back.

Not sure it’s a replacement to Apple Music, more instead of.
It’s a different service, and I don’t have it for the music in particular, I don’t listen a lot to music at all these days. But there’s an entire separate app for only music lovers - YouTube Music are included in the subscription.
Don’t open it so much, but it’s there.
I rather use YouTube for meditations, talks and events down the lane of consciousness raising things.
Also for everything espresso, sports and other things that interest me.

Apple Music is history to me, but I have a playlist on my iPhone that I use separated as it doesn’t sync to other devices. It didn’t when I subscribed to Apple Music either 😂
But I use it at times as it is a good playlist of guided meditations.
I've just started a 2 week free trial of Roon - so far so good but I take your point on YouTube - one thing we can agree on is enough of Apple Music - I'll try and update this blog with my findings over the next 2 weeks - good luck with YouTube.


macrumors member
Jun 18, 2020
Blue Ridge Mountains
I'm trying to look for an alternative too.. I have specific playlists that are made from music IMPORTED from CD's and I Refuse to succumb to Apple Music's nonsense.

I can play them fine on my laptop.. but anywhere else and it's as if the playlists and songs Don't Exist. Some of the CD's are hard to find too.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2017
Amazon also have a Music app I just noticed, I subscribe to them too.
But I haven’t checked or used up their Music app either 😌


macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2017
Glad you found my post amusing. I'm using Roon.
It was not your post in itself that was funny, it’s just Apple Music that are so totally ridiculous.

As I mentioned in a post earlier it was like that when I subscribed to Apple Music too.
I have access to this playlist on my iPhone now, as I had when I subscribed too.
I had not access to it on other devices when I subscribed either.
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macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
I'm trying to look for an alternative too.. I have specific playlists that are made from music IMPORTED from CD's and I Refuse to succumb to Apple Music's nonsense.

I can play them fine on my laptop.. but anywhere else and it's as if the playlists and songs Don't Exist. Some of the CD's are hard to find too.
So you want to keep the ripped CD files on a computer and then when you are in a car, you want to connect your phone and play the tracks that are on the computer. This will be hard to do if the computer is at home and powered off.

But there is a way. You can store you music on a Synology NAS and then put the NAS on the Intrnet with a VPN. They have an app for a phone (and every other device) that let's you access the music. Very similar setup for video and photos. Basically you build your own cloud service.

The problem is that you can't integrate this with streaming


macrumors 6502a
Dec 28, 2018
If you want a 3rd party app to manage your music files. Have you read into JRiver Media Center, Fubar2000, VLC? IF you want to go mobile though, you'd have to copy it all to storage device either on your phone or in the cloud for it to be able to access those files.


macrumors 6502
Jan 3, 2011
There's also Doppler which is wonderful for offline (i.e. ripped CDs, Qobuz purchases, etc) music organisation. Doesn't connect to any streaming services (I think?) but it has a great iOS app, too, plus a separate app that handles the wireless file transfer. Recommended!
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