I have been looking for a logical answer for this decision since 20 years ago when Apple released a version of their music app that insisted on dumping my playlists that start with numbers at the bottom. I have gone through AppleCare, I have emailed everyone at Apple and no one thinks it’s an issue and no one can give me a reason why this is. No one knows or cares. Let me explain. I create playlists with genres and my genres are the year that the songs came out. For instance, I have a playlist that says 1920s to 1930s. Before Apple changed the Music app, these playlists would show up above Alpha numerical characters, as it is supposed to be. Every list I’ve ever looked at in my life has numbers at the top and letters below. The only workaround I have found is to add the letter a before the playlist, thus forcing it to load where it’s supposed to. I googled this question, and I only come up with my initial post many years ago on Apple‘s website with no replies and no resolve. Is there anybody on this form that can enlighten me why it’s so difficult to make this work the way it’s supposed to work or why Apple did this? I am attaching a screenshot, in case it helps. Thank you.
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