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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 15, 2009
I love apps for my iPod Touch and I play/use them everyday but it takes ages to sift through the crap and find a quality app. Games in particular is a section full of useless, badly coded crap, I am all for independent developers etc. but I think there should be a section for the corporate developers like Gameloft, Tapulous, Firemint, ngmoco, EA and all the other developers like them. Then it would be easier for people to find the good games which can take hours to find. I know there are many games that are independent and great but its a small percentage.
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I disagree with the idea that the AppStore should have a section for the corporate developers: they are the ones that make the most money and their apps are already in the top 100 paid/free games. I would prefer to see the top 100 of the day, of the week, of the month, etc. This would provide a better and longer visibility for the best apps from either corporate or independent developers. Everyone would win, customers included.
It surely does need cleanup but not on the bases of the Developer company but the quality of apps. Now seriously, who really cares about the gazillion mafia wars honor point apps? Or the trillion What-a-mole clones? These are the ones which needs to be taken care of. But apple wont do it of course, how else will the boast of a million apps available on appstore :rolleyes:
I would prefer to see the top 100 of the day, of the week, of the month, etc.

I definitely agree with this. That would be much easier to look thorugh

And the games that use point systems which you purchase are pointless and i agree that they also need cleaning up (Maybe into one app where you can purchase the points the points you want?)
Apple's process of accepting apps needs to include a quality test.
what needs to be cleaned out are the apps that still haven't updated to 3.0 compatible. Those devs have clearly given up on their products and should not be allowed to sell them to consumers who will (incorrectly) expect the apps to work.
what needs to be cleaned out are the apps that still haven't updated to 3.0 compatible. Those devs have clearly given up on their products and should not be allowed to sell them to consumers who will (incorrectly) expect the apps to work.

I agree....... I think they should be removed after a period of time. What the time frame is I don't know. Or maybe have a section that is just for 2.X apps only.
Firemint is indie. It started with just two people if I remember correctly.

You need to remember that indie shops become big by being allowed to be in the mix with everyone else.

I personally think it's a horrible idea.

interesting point... we are developing a lot of new features, but we are still on 2.x simply because we know that many people, especially on iPod Touch didn't upgrade yet to 3.x (because of the cost of the upgrade). We are thinking about going to 3.x now that the transition seems to be closer to completion and because we want to use the new 3.x features.
Don't remove us :)

I agree....... I think they should be removed after a period of time. What the time frame is I don't know. Or maybe have a section that is just for 2.X apps only.
Cleaning is the least of Apple's worry. Piracy should be their first priority. :apple:
I do want the app store to be cleaned out, but I don't think Apple can do it. If they denied one tip calculator over another, the developer will get pissed. An app's functionality should be determined by us, the consumers, rather than by Apple.
interesting point... we are developing a lot of new features, but we are still on 2.x simply because we know that many people, especially on iPod Touch didn't upgrade yet to 3.x (because of the cost of the upgrade). We are thinking about going to 3.x now that the transition seems to be closer to completion and because we want to use the new 3.x features.
Don't remove us :)

Ok, fair enough. a dedicated 2.x section would satisfy me.

I just know I have some (paid) apps that haven't been updated in a very long time, and while that's ok insofar as I was never guaranteed they would be updated, I don't think they should remain mixed in with apps that are under active development because users could end up getting burned (the absence of a "3.0 compatible" tag notwithstanding.
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