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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 4, 2017
They changed the layout of the Apple News app ( which looks good). But the thing I can’t find is how to make an article full screen ( on an iPad). There is a side panel listing all the channels or sources but once you click on an article to read that panel remains there. Therefore cutting down on your viewing screen.
I assume there is a way to make the article full screen but for the life of me can’t figure out how. Also there doesn’t appear to be any help on the apple site. It’s a small thing I know but I can’t see why apple would actually cut down on your viewing screen for a thing like a news app.
Does anyone know how to do this on an iPad ?


macrumors 68020
May 19, 2015
In landscape there isn’t a way to get rid of the sidebar or make an article full screen. You can rotate the iPad to portrait/vertical and you get a full screen with the sidebar as optional.
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