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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 6, 2011
Metro-Detroit, MI
Hey guys

So I've noticed that after updating to iOS 10 (developer here), all of my self-curated sites that I've added suddenly get the "Story Unavailable" pop up when I try to access them.

I spent a REALLY LONG TIME adding specific sites to Apple News as these are the sites that I follow and got rid of Flipboard in favor of something that's already integrated. However it now seems like Apple is trying to push all consumer custom content out the window.

What is going on here? Are we going to never have an easy way to add our own sites to News? I'm about to say fudge it and go back to Flipboard as I can at least add sites that I follow there that aren't found on Apple News.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2009
Northumbria, UK
Overall, I much preferred the earlier version of News. I'm assuming that there isn't a way of editing or deleting "categories" in the new app? Yesterday my categories included Donald Trump and Sport, neither of which interest me.
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