I ordered 3 replicas from aliexpress, are they at similar quality with the original or worse ?
original bands are way too expensive.
I am looking for a seller that seller replicas as good as the original
Sure they may not be the same quality, but for the price who cares. If I can get 5 knock offs for the price of 1 original band, I'm all over it. I'm not a status symbol buyer and I've never been in a situation where I've been shamed or been banished from society for not having an original Apple watch band. For that matter, I've never had an issue using 3rd party bands either.
However many you get, I was just using 5 as an example. I just got a 5 pack from Amazon for 14.99usd, they’re alright I guess. I don’t notice a big difference with them compared to the Apple sport loop.It is not buying 5 for the 1 price ,but buying the good with a much cheaper price. Replicas are about 2-3 usd dolars which means they are quite multiple times cheaper than the original. I am sure they will not match apple quality but does it worth to consider paying 45usd when you can get it for 2 dollars, is the difference day and night.
I’m not a status symbol buyer either, and never had anyone attempt to shame me for my product choices (it wouldn’t work, I’d likely laugh in their face), but I stick with the real Apple bands because I don’t like the quality of the knockoffs, and I’ve seen some shoddy ill-fitting mechanical interfaces (the lug mechanism) on many knockoffs - it’s not worth the cost of replacing my watch (if it falls and breaks due to a shoddy strap) to be able to save some money by buying knockoff straps. I see that as false economy. I’d rather just have a smaller number of genuine straps. So consider that when you think people are buying the real ones to show off. Personally, I expect people to judge me by my words and actions, not buy what things I buy.Sure they may not be the same quality, but for the price who cares. If I can get 5 knock offs for the price of 1 original band, I'm all over it. I'm not a status symbol buyer and I've never been in a situation where I've been shamed or been banished from society for not having an original Apple watch band. For that matter, I've never had an issue using 3rd party bands either.
Fantastic for you. I don't care less what people think either, BUT, there are those people who look for the latest and greatest as a status symbol and will only buy name brand items. Also some people think the knock off versions are complete garbage and yes, in some cases they can be, but not all the time. The cheap one's I've used have been perfectly acceptable for my needs/wants.I’m not a status symbol buyer either, and never had anyone attempt to shame me for my product choices (it wouldn’t work, I’d likely laugh in their face), but I stick with the real Apple bands because I don’t like the quality of the knockoffs, and I’ve seen some shoddy ill-fitting mechanical interfaces (the lug mechanism) on many knockoffs - it’s not worth the cost of replacing my watch (if it falls and breaks due to a shoddy strap) to be able to save some money by buying knockoff straps. I see that as false economy. I’d rather just have a smaller number of genuine straps. So consider that when you think people are buying the real ones to show off. Personally, I expect people to judge me by my words and actions, not buy what things I buy.