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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 15, 2011

I currently have:

Apple Music 14,95 —— renews 28 Feb 2021
Apple TV+ FREE —— renews 18 Jul 2021
Apple Arcade FREE —— renews 16 Mar 2021
200 GB iCloud 2,99 ——renews 5 Mar 2021

what happens if I change to Apple One Family? Will I lose the free things? Will I be credited for AppleTV+ and so it’s better if I subscribe to Apple One now?

thank you!
Hi, I have the same question. Over here in the UK people on AV Forums say that you still get the free trial (I have ATV free until July). They say they've received emails from Apple saying they're to get a £4.99 discount each month.

I've been on to Apple 3 times today and finally been told that this is correct. I asked them to send me the information where it says this but they only sent information about iCloud storage. So it's pretty safe to say you'll still get your free trials but it's still not 100% certain? Anyone else here have any info?
I've spoken to 4 different Apple advisers today and 2 said I'll lose my free trial and 2 said I'd get the discount. Anyway I asked the last advisor to send me it "in writing" but he hasn't done so who knows what's going on? Anyway, I've gone ahead and subscribed so we'll see what happens. If I don't get the discount it'll only be £20 or so so not that big a deal....Will keep you all posted.
ok. Let’s se what happens....

Do you only have TV+ free or also something more?
The new extension – until July 2021– sounds like a similar deal. Paying Apple TV+ subscribers and Apple One bundle subscribers will get £4.99 ($4.99, AU$7.99) credit for the February to June period.

There's no need to contact Apple – the company says it will notify all those eligible for a free Apple TV+ extension by email in the coming weeks.
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