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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 27, 2015
Last month, I ordered what was to be my first Mac, a 2015 15 inch MacBook Pro with 512GB, to be picked up at an Apple Store in another state I was in at the time. Last week, I picked it up, and when I opened the box, there was a large visible white scratch on the left of the MBP lid, and it was still sealed. By this time, I was back home in my home state, so I called Apple's online support, and I was told that they would send me a brand new replacement in the mail to my home address free of charge. I only had to return the damaged MBP via the mail. In addition, they gave me a $100 Apple gift card, which was really generous of them and they didn't have to do that.

However, I checked my order status, and it turns out the replacement MBP is being shipped to the Apple Store that I originally picked up the damaged MBP at out-of-state, when the rep I talked to said it was going to be sent to my home address. I talked to Apple on the phone again, and after being put on hold and being switched to different representatives back and forth for almost an hour, they told me there was a misunderstanding and there was nothing they could do. They couldn't even cancel the order. They told me that the only thing I could do was to pick it up at that specific out-of-state Apple Store, when I can't.

Yes, I understand that I was given a gift card and all for the damaged MBP, which I am extremely grateful for, but that doesn't excuse anything. Personally, I think the first rep I spoke to lied to me, and that every time I talk to Apple's support, the reps keep giving me conflicting information. Why are they expecting me to go back to a different state just to pick up a MBP? This is absurd. Considering the fact that I paid almost $2000 for this machine that ended up damaged in the box, I expected slightly more perseverance from Apple to set things right. Also, Apple retail support can't do anything about it because this was a custom online order. Should I try talking to support on the phone again, email someone, email Tim Cook!??!, or are all my options exhausted at this point?

Again, just so people on the Internet don't accuse me of being whiny and ungrateful for the gift card, I am grateful. It's just that I keep getting conflicting information from Apple's support over the phone, which doesn't help solve my problems, and I am getting sick of it.


macrumors 68000
Oct 17, 2016
You may struggle to get them to change things, as it's in transit. They can't really change the address on this as it would effect the logistics chain. What they can do is cancel the original order and send out a new one, did you ask for this? They also really have a thing about replacing things on the system 1:1, so if you ordered it to a store they really just want to replicate that order, as that way it's a replacement and not a new order.

Call them up, ask if they can cancel your replacement order and issue a new one to your home address. Don't get frustrated as things happen and you may have just had a dodgy rep which has caused some grievance. At the end of the day you just want a replacement laptop, getting angry or anything isn't going to speed that up.

For what it's worth I had to have this one replaced due to a scratch, delivery company were beyond useless so I had to drive across the city to their depo to collect it. Apple obviously wouldn't refund petrol or time, or offer any kind of renumeration. But I got the laptop replaced so that's fine, win some / loose some.


macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 27, 2015
Call them up, ask if they can cancel your replacement order and issue a new one to your home address. Don't get frustrated as things happen and you may have just had a dodgy rep which has caused some grievance. At the end of the day you just want a replacement laptop, getting angry or anything isn't going to speed that up.

For what it's worth I had to have this one replaced due to a scratch, delivery company were beyond useless so I had to drive across the city to their depo to collect it. Apple obviously wouldn't refund petrol or time, or offer any kind of renumeration. But I got the laptop replaced so that's fine, win some / loose some.

Thanks. I'll try calling them again. I am glad I am not the only one who has to deal with something like this. While talking to the first rep, they sounded really sincere, and I made sure to repeat what I was told by them to make sure I didn't misunderstand anything they said, so I genuinely believed that I would get the MBP shipped to my home address. A UPS rep for Apple even emailed me asking for info on the damage, even though it probably occurred at the factory. I really thought they got things right this time.

I have owned Apple products since I first got an iPhone 3GS, but those were purchased mainly from third parties. I actually got a 12.9 inch iPad Pro and Pencil along with my original order as well, which I love, but even if that had problems, at least they are readily in supply at the physical store. It's obvious that Apple has a serious disconnect between its online store and physical store, which is probably where most of the trouble is coming from.


macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 27, 2015
Success! I called support again, and after being put through a rude representative questioning my out-of-state purchase, I asked if I could speak to someone else. I got put on hold, and then they hung up on me.

I called again, and this time I was put through a much nicer and sincere representative. I told them my story and my previous experiences with the other support representatives. They apologized for the way the previous representative spoke to me, and said that it was unprofessional of them to speak to me that way. They had notes of my conversations, so they said they would take care of it.

Next, I was put on hold for quite a while, but they would check in a couple times, letting me know that they are working on it. After talking to their admin and other staff, they will reroute the MBP to my home! There may be a delay, but I can wait. I am so glad I called again and my faith in Apple is restored! Thanks!
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