I placed a large online order (over $1000) through a large well-known website that supports Apple Pay. My order contained multiple items. Their order confirmation specifies that although a hold may be placed on the card, you are not charged until the order is shipped. After placing the order, I received the notification of the hold on my iPhone for the full amount. A day later a small portion of my order shipped. And and a day or two later, the hold amount changed to just a small pro-rated portion of the original total amount (about 10%), and it shows as a completed transaction. No more hold showing up. Then the remaining items in my order shipped. But there is no hold or pending transaction charge for the remaining 90% of the amount. I've been thinking about it since yesterday... and I'm wondering how they could even put through a second transaction at this point... as they never even had my actual card information. Does Apple Pay have some provision for this in place for websites that support Apple Pay?