Hi all,
I've been having the problem with my i7 iMac that the computer randomly stops responding to my remote about 5 minutes after I start using it. I can unpair/pair the two and they'll work for about another 5 minutes, but then it happens again and the remote is useless until I go mess around with the machine. This problem has been noted by noted by several people over at the Apple forums, but I hadn't seen it mentioned here. I guess the first question is asking if anyone with a 27" iMac and remote DOESN'T have this problem (i.e., has an iMac that doesn't crap out and stop recognizing the remote periodically). I've got both the old white remote and the new aluminum remote and it happens with both, so it's definitely an iMac issue rather than a remote issue. If it's a software issue I guess I'll just have to wait, but if other people don't have the problem and it's a hardware issue I'll need to call up AppleCare.
I've been having the problem with my i7 iMac that the computer randomly stops responding to my remote about 5 minutes after I start using it. I can unpair/pair the two and they'll work for about another 5 minutes, but then it happens again and the remote is useless until I go mess around with the machine. This problem has been noted by noted by several people over at the Apple forums, but I hadn't seen it mentioned here. I guess the first question is asking if anyone with a 27" iMac and remote DOESN'T have this problem (i.e., has an iMac that doesn't crap out and stop recognizing the remote periodically). I've got both the old white remote and the new aluminum remote and it happens with both, so it's definitely an iMac issue rather than a remote issue. If it's a software issue I guess I'll just have to wait, but if other people don't have the problem and it's a hardware issue I'll need to call up AppleCare.