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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 26, 2016
Something I only recently noticed, Apple retail gift cards seemed to have dropped off the face of the internet?? Retailers like Best Buy and Target used to sell them (and still may in-store, I've yet to check) but I noticed that they're no longer listed on their sites. Perhaps apple only ships them seasonal now? Pretty disappointed if this is indeed the case.

Anyone notice the same or have any thoughts/info? Thanks!


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 26, 2016
Yeah I want to do similar. Buying a custom-configured iMac after WWDC, and I'd rather buy it 'through' best buy (via apple gift cards). A: financing on a card I already own, and B: additional reward-points. But BBY doesn't seem to have them online—and I know they used to sell them. Guess I just need to pop in. So bizarre.
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