Hi everyone. Apple give a tutorial for learning how to make some apps, but it doesn't seem to work with the latest version of Xcode, which is giving me errors even running a blank app! I'll explain:
I'm pretty much brand new at programming (I wrote a bunch of stuff in NetLogo a few years ago, and a *tiny* bit in Matlab way before that, but yeah, very very new). I want to learn Objective-C for what an app that won't be crazy complex, but also won't be the simplest thing in the world. To help, I've been reading Kochan's book on Objective-C programming.
Anyways, I went to Apple's tutorial (https://developer.apple.com/library...rted/RoadMapOSX/chapters/01_Introduction.html) and started to do it simultaneously with Kochan's book.
Right off the bat, the tutorial tells you to create a new app and just hit run with it blank. Then it starts with simple sliders / text box / button connections. So, I had no problem doing the work on the sliders and whatnot, but hitting run (even before doing ANYTHING) returns a list of 11 errors. Everything is in Frameworks/Other Frameworks/AppKit.framework. For example, in Frameworks/Other Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Headers/NSCell.h there are two lines that both give the error "Expected a type". The lines are:
So, is it even worth it to try with Apple's tutorial? I'm not sure why things are failing to run even before I enter any code, but I'm not sure how I'm going to get past problems located in the AppKit with my level of experience.
Thanks for any feedback!
I'm pretty much brand new at programming (I wrote a bunch of stuff in NetLogo a few years ago, and a *tiny* bit in Matlab way before that, but yeah, very very new). I want to learn Objective-C for what an app that won't be crazy complex, but also won't be the simplest thing in the world. To help, I've been reading Kochan's book on Objective-C programming.
Anyways, I went to Apple's tutorial (https://developer.apple.com/library...rted/RoadMapOSX/chapters/01_Introduction.html) and started to do it simultaneously with Kochan's book.
Right off the bat, the tutorial tells you to create a new app and just hit run with it blank. Then it starts with simple sliders / text box / button connections. So, I had no problem doing the work on the sliders and whatnot, but hitting run (even before doing ANYTHING) returns a list of 11 errors. Everything is in Frameworks/Other Frameworks/AppKit.framework. For example, in Frameworks/Other Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Headers/NSCell.h there are two lines that both give the error "Expected a type". The lines are:
- (NSUserInterfaceLayoutDirection)userInterfaceLayoutDirection NS_AVAILABLE_MAC(10_6);
- (void)setUserInterfaceLayoutDirection:(NSUserInterfaceLayoutDirection)layoutDirection NS_AVAILABLE_MAC(10_6);
So, is it even worth it to try with Apple's tutorial? I'm not sure why things are failing to run even before I enter any code, but I'm not sure how I'm going to get past problems located in the AppKit with my level of experience.
Thanks for any feedback!
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