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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 18, 2008
Alright today I Took my iPhone out of my pocket and the screen went completly white with vertical multicolored lines through the screen. I didnt have anything in my pocket, nor was it wet. I have Tried to restore, reset, and everything no Luck. So I took to the Apple store to the Genius Bar and they looked at it with special light and said I Had water damage and it Void my warranty. I took it to another Apple Store and said the same thing. I have NEVER had water on it before besides a very lightly damp cloth to clean it. The iPhone still can be unlocked, answer phone calls, change from vibe to ring, the only problem is the Screen went wacked out.

Is there anything I can do?


Lines Through the screen.


This is where they said the water damage indicator was red color.
You can ask them to examine it for corrosion damage. The indicator in the headphone port shows them water damage. Politely explain your hesitancy with that decision and ask them to examine it for corrosion damage that your iPhone WILL have if water damaged it.
You can ask them to examine it for corrosion damage. The indicator in the headphone port shows them water damage. Politely explain your hesitancy with that decision and ask them to examine it for corrosion damage that your iPhone WILL have if water damaged it.

How do they examineit for Corrision damage?
ive read humidity can trigger those lil stickers. i dunno how true that is though

I too have heard that. There were a lot of problems when people would go down to like Mexico and such at the beach with their iPods and the humidity would not only trigger the sticker but mess up the iPod.
well they have to open up the iphone, and if there was water, then there definitely is corrosion on the logicboard
Thanks, Alright I think I will try that, because again the battery is charging, calls work, touch screen works.
I too have heard that. There were a lot of problems when people would go down to like Mexico and such at the beach with their iPods and the humidity would not only trigger the sticker but mess up the iPod.

I was in Hawaii a few weeks ago and it was pretty Humid there...
If the Geniuses at the Apple Store don't see the light, I suggest you get in touch with Apple Support by phone, and see if they can be of any help.
If the Geniuses at the Apple Store don't see the light, I suggest you get in touch with Apple Support by phone, and see if they can be of any help.

Apple phone support SUCKS!
Everytime I deal with them I'm told to go to the Genius Bar, when usually I don't call them until after I've gone there.
iphone water damage

the same thing happened to my iphone. I just took it to the apple store and they said it was water damaged but i have never, ever dropped it in water or gotten it near water. So, i was wondering if you took it back and asked them to take it apart. What happened to your iphone????
They don't take the iPhone apart...they merely take a bright flashlight and a magnifying glass to look at the bottom of the phone (where the charger plugs in too), and if they see corrosion (it will be green and easily identifiable, you can check for yourself) then they call it water damage.

They got me on this one. I had NEVER dropped it or had it exposed to water EXCEPT for the fact that I would have it (on occasion) in the bathroom while I showered, apparently the moisture from a hot shower was enough to cause the "water damage"

First damn phone that couldn't be in the bathroom while I showered. Sensitive lil guy I guess!!
Ohh.. by the way, I learned (after the fact) that there is a special brush that can clean off the corrosion, and they only recommended it to me as a temporary fix. Might not be a bad idea to do a little research as to the type of brush, and clean it before you take it in next time. That way the corrosion won't be as noticeable. just a thought
Well this happened to me with my RAZR so I guess the iPhone is not the first over-sensitive model :rolleyes: Motorola said that they scan it to detect the state of the insides and they could "see" water damage from the scan. It was within warranty but they refused to replace it because of that.

I never figured out when/how it happened but I don't believe they'd lie about something so basic.

(Pffft, they also said they'd charge me 11 pounds to return my non-working phone to me if I wanted it!!!)

I remember I also had a digital camera die on me in the Caribbean through getting damp in the humidity there
Exact same situation here. They claimed water damage when I've never spilled anything on the phone or go it otherwise wet, except for occasional rain and sweat.

So it's either normal wear and tear or a faulty trigger that absolves them of any responsibility to replace the broken screen or the device. Thanks, Apple!
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