I have the following command line that does the conversion of swf file (single page) to png
I have more than hundred files (file01 to file 143.swf) to convert them into png. Since swfrender doesn't support batch conversion, I'm thinking to use applescript. I spent some time to learn applescript, but I couldn't do this in time.
I tried something like this
It will be great if you could help to get a working script.
$ swfrender file01.swf -o output3.png
I have more than hundred files (file01 to file 143.swf) to convert them into png. Since swfrender doesn't support batch conversion, I'm thinking to use applescript. I spent some time to learn applescript, but I couldn't do this in time.
I tried something like this
set filePath to "~/Downloads/test/"
tell application "Finder"
set theFile to selection
do shell script "swfrender file01.swf -o output.png"
end try
end tell
It will be great if you could help to get a working script.
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