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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 21, 2014
I need a script that returns the current financial year. So, for any date in the period 1 April 2014 - 31 March 2015, the script would return "2014/15", and for any date in the period 1 April 2015 - 31 March 2016, the script would return "2015/16", ad infinitum,

I suspect this lends itself to an apple script solution, but alas I don't yet have this skill, and Google didn't help either. Can anyone assist?

A million thanks.
Where do you need the returned result? Are you working in Excel, Numbers, or are you working on an application in Java, Xcode…

Have a look at Automator, it should do that quite well.
AppleScript could do the trick as well. Have a look:
display dialog "Fill in the month:" default answer "eg 6"
set v_month to the text returned of the result as number
display dialog "Fill in the year:" default answer "eg 2014"
set v_year to the text returned of the result as number
if v_month is greater than 3 then
	set v_return to v_year & "/" & (v_year + 1) as string
	set v_return to (v_year - 1) & "/" & v_year as string
end if
return v_return

Be more precise on where you need it.
Thanks for your help and apologies for lack of clarity - I am new to all this!

I want a script for the TextExpander Mac app. This accepts AppleScript and ShellScript. I want it to convert the current system date into the financial year, so now would be "2014/15", and this will allow me to use a short-cut to insert that text into any application as text via textexpander.

Ideally I would also like to take that script and create a second script that does exactly the same thing except it inserts the next financial year, which for today would be "2015/16".

Many thanks for the help thus far.
I want it to convert the current system date into the financial year

There is not too much to change to achieve that. Simply use the code above and add the system date instead of the display dialogs…

set x to current date
set v_month to month of x
set v_year to year of x
if v_month is greater than 3 then
	set v_return to v_year & "/" & (v_year + 1) as string
	set v_return to (v_year - 1) & "/" & v_year as string
end if
return v_return

Hope that helps. But since I didn't test the script in TextExpander, your mileage may vary.
@LinusR Thanks for all your help. I modified a bit to get what I wanted.

Your code produced 2014/2015. Whereas, I wanted 2014/15. So I did ...

set x to current date
set v_month to month of x
set v_year to year of x
if v_month is greater than 3 then
	set v_return to v_year & "/" & (v_year - 1999) as string
	set v_return to (v_year - 1) & "/" & (v_year - 2000) as string
end if
return v_return

i guess there might be a programatic way to do this in a way that works after 2099, but I won't be around to benefit and this works just great!

I also modified it for the following financial year as follows:

set x to current date
set v_month to month of x
set v_year to year of x
if v_month is greater than 3 then
	set v_return to (v_year + 1) & "/" & (v_year - 1998) as string
	set v_return to (v_year) & "/" & (v_year - 1999) as string
end if
return v_return

It all works just fine! Many many thanks. Have a great day
No problem, there was a mistake in the code I posted for every year, here is the working version:

set x to current date
set v_month to month of x
set v_year to year of x

set v_year_second to v_year mod 10
set v_year_first to ((v_year / 10) - (v_year / 10 mod 1) as integer) mod 10

if v_month is greater than 3 then
	if v_year_second is 9 then
		set v_year_second to 0
		if v_year_first is 9 then
			set v_year_first to 0
			set v_year_first to v_year_first + 1
		end if
		set v_year_second to v_year_second + 1
	end if
	set v_return to v_year & "/" & (v_year_first & v_year_second) as string
	set v_return to (v_year - 1) & "/" & (v_year_first & v_year_second) as string
end if

return v_return

This should work perfectly.
It works just great. Can I ask how it should be modified to give the following financial year, i.e. 2015/16?

Many thanks
It works just great. Can I ask how it should be modified to give the following financial year, i.e. 2015/16?

No problem, just change the third line:
set x to current date
set v_month to month of x
[B]set v_year to (year of x) + 1[/B]


If you want to learn AppleScript or at least the basics I suggest "AppleScript 1-2-3" by Soghoian and Cheeseman, it's a great book.

Hope that helps.
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