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Now, 71 percent of poll respondents say the Cupertino, California, company has lost its cachet as an industry innovator, which includes 28 percent who say it is permanent and 43 percent who say it may be a temporary hiccup. There are still true believers; 23 percent said Apple remains the best in the business. Six percent were unsure.

71% of poll respondants? Who are these poll respondants?

In fact, what basis in fact does any of that article actually have?
Sad news but hopefully this wakes them up. Contrary to misguided and incorrect popular belief, I do not want to see apple fail.

I hope Apple just goes ahead and dies already. That way those of us who like iOS and Apple can live in peace from all these idiotic posts predicting their demise and lumping every single iOS user into some "iSheep" group who are either in denial or can't think for themselves.

I've "seen the light". I like Android. My HTC One is the best phone I've ever had. That doesn't mean I don't like my iPhone - I in fact love it. Using both platforms hasn't changed my use case from one to the other. I didn't suddenly become more productive when I switched to Android.....

Maybe I'm in the minority, but my use case is what dictates which features are important on a smartphone. The smartphone's features don't dictate my use case.

These threads are getting so redundant.....

I hope Apple just goes ahead and dies already. That way those of us who like iOS and Apple can live in peace from all these idiotic posts predicting their demise and lumping every single iOS user into some "iSheep" group who are either in denial or can't think for themselves.

I've "seen the light". I like Android. My HTC One is the best phone I've ever had. That doesn't mean I don't like my iPhone - I in fact love it. Using both platforms hasn't changed my use case from one to the other. I didn't suddenly become more productive when I switched to Android.....

Maybe I'm in the minority, but my use case is what dictates which features are important on a smartphone. The smartphone's features don't dictate my use case.

These threads are getting so redundant.....
I agree with you 1000%. I have had every iPhone released except the first one. I will not get another one until they release something bigger say 4.5 to 5 inches. But that doesn't mean I hate Apple or anything like that. It means I want a bigger smart phone. I am loving my GS4 BTW..... I alos have no plans to stop using my Apple products from my signature below. But....having said all that I do see Apple losing their mindshare. They need to get back to releasing great products and giving the buying public what they want.... instead fo telling them what they want.....Android is killing them with market share. But Apple still wins with net PROFIT! But at some point that profit will be affect by losing marketshare which translates into sales. If you lose lose profit.......
But make no mistake there is no doom for Apple....they have too much talent to not produce great products. But they might slip on being the best at producing great products as other companies are catching up.
I agree with you 1000%. I have had every iPhone released except the first one. I will not get another one until they release something bigger say 4.5 to 5 inches. But that doesn't mean I hate Apple or anything like that. It means I want a bigger smart phone. I am loving my GS4 BTW..... I alos have no plans to stop using my Apple products from my signature below. But....having said all that I do see Apple losing their mindshare. They need to get back to releasing great products and giving the buying public what they want.... instead fo telling them what they want.....Android is killing them with market share. But Apple still wins with net PROFIT! But at some point that profit will be affect by losing marketshare which translates into sales. If you lose lose profit.......

I don't understand why it has to be a "pick a side" thing.....I used to get caught up in that, but ever since Android won me over, I've found I like things and hate things about BOTH platforms.

I genuinely like both for various reasons.....why do I have to pick a side? Why does one have to win while the other loses?

To be quite would be horrible for the mobile world if Apple died.....just look at where PCs went when Windows was the only dog out there....
71% of poll respondants? Who are these poll respondants?

In fact, what basis in fact does any of that article actually have?

10 respondents ... 71% haha.
It's probably like 0.0005% of the population of Apple consumers.
To me, Apple have definitely got a bit stale with their mobile platform and when the time came to renew my 2-year plan the iPhone 5 didn't excite me at all.

That said though I can still see why others would prefer the 5 over anything Android. Even though it's way too small and inflexible for my taste, it's still a slick as hell piece of kit and iOS is still coherent in a way that Android is just nowhere near - this is the one thing I really miss with Android.

Also I've no doubt that Apple will return with new and exciting stuff. And I look forward to it.
This has become pretty mainstream. Apple fans are in denial, but this is what people are thinking (and not just hedge fund managers either.) People are selling Apple stock at rates not seen since the time Jobs came back in 97 to steer Apple back to profitability....

A poll of Bloomberg subscribers... how representative. :rolleyes: I look at Apple as a consumer, not as an investor. Besides, investors are like generals. They always fight the last war.

My only complaint about Apple currently is the narrow screen on the iPhone (and perhaps that I'd like to see retina on the iPad mini). Mostly, though, I am impressed with Apple products and services, and I expect that will continue into the short- and medium-term.
Nobody is predicting the business demise of Apple, just the cutting-edge innovation side of things.

This next 18 months will show how much influence Jony Ive actually has - otherwise, it's just lip service.
10 respondents ... 71% haha.
It's probably like 0.0005% of the population of Apple consumers.

Actually 906 of apple biggest investors and one of them that just sold 500 million worth of apple market these are the people that actually are the ones that gave apple its massive market cap in the first place
I don't understand why it has to be a "pick a side" thing.....I used to get caught up in that, but ever since Android won me over, I've found I like things and hate things about BOTH platforms.

I genuinely like both for various reasons.....why do I have to pick a side? Why does one have to win while the other loses?

To be quite would be horrible for the mobile world if Apple died.....just look at where PCs went when Windows was the only dog out there....
Exactly......If you say you don't like the IP5...does that mean you hate Apple? Of course not! The competition between Apple and Samsung is great for us consumers....better products competing for the marketshare......I love it!
If I say Samsung dropped the ball on a specific feature in the GS4....that doesn't mean i hate Samsung....if I say I wish HTC had included a SD card slot on the One.....that doesn't mean I hate HTC...If is say Apple needs to make the next iphone bigger and revamp IOS....that doesn't mean I hate Apple....just means I want better products with the features I want.....
I personally think Apple is far from demise and/or doom. The worse case scenario is they'll become more niche as their macs have (though, honestly, being in NYC I see more macs than I do anything else), but even that I don't think will happen. Slow as they may be, they'll eventually give people more options with the iPhone, which will either draw people back and/or keep the ones already committed to the iPhone.

But you also can't deny there's a shift in the smartphone market that Apple helped create.
Actually 906 of apple biggest investors and one of them that just sold 500 million worth of apple market these are the people that actually are the ones that gave apple its massive market cap in the first place
So 71% of 906 people voted that Apple is losing their innovation magic? Still doesn't worry me and who cares if one of them unloaded their stock, it doesn't qualify them any more than the other 905. I'm not saying Apple is up with the times, but they have always ran at their own pace. How is that a problem today?
Bloomberg poll. LOL You do realize this is the same company that misquoted/mis represented statements from the Pegatron CEO in order to paint an Apple is doomed story (which they're doing on a regular basis now). That same week they ran a story with a lead headline about Harvard selling its AAPL stake even though it was only 500 shares worth 300K and a minuscule portion of all the investments they sold. Sorry but I don't trust a Bloomberg poll one bit. And even if I was to trust the number it's not hard to believe considering the 24/7 negative press Apple receives. So the media writes D&G and FUD every day about Apple and then releases poll results that show people think Apple is doomed, can't innovate blah blah blah. Wow what a surprise!
I personally think Apple is far from demise and/or doom. The worse case scenario is they'll become more niche as their macs have (though, honestly, being in NYC I see more macs than I do anything else), but even that I don't think will happen. Slow as they may be, they'll eventually give people more options with the iPhone, which will either draw people back and/or keep the ones already committed to the iPhone.

But you also can't deny there's a shift in the smartphone market that Apple helped create.

Thats because OSX is just better then windows. Going from windows to OSX is like going from eating **** to eating some good ol' Boston Market
So 71% of 906 people voted that Apple is losing their innovation magic? Still doesn't worry me and who cares if one of them unloaded their stock, it doesn't qualify them any more than the other 905. I'm not saying Apple is up with the times, but they have always ran at their own pace. How is that a problem today?

This poll is from apples biggest players and not normal people is all I wanted to inform you about.
Just curious what this topic has to do with Alternatives to iOS and iOS Devices? I thought this forum was for people to discuss the non-Apple devices they use (or are thinking of buying). :confused:
Get a pair

They need to get rid of Tim Cook and get a CEO who inspires confidence in the public, confidence to investors and who will move the company from business as usual to a realization that Samsung is a huge threat and do something about it.
Just curious what this topic has to do with Alternatives to iOS and iOS Devices? I thought this forum was for people to discuss the non-Apple devices they use (or are thinking of buying). :confused:
it is directly related......if Apple is losing...well whatever then that is driving/leading people to buy non Apple products...
Serious question, but what is it about a larger screen that suddenly makes a device or company more innovative? I thought it was all about the software? Sure widgets on a phone are fun, but I'm not buying a phone to stare at the weather all day. I still think Apple has a chance. They keep having breakout quarter after quarter. People always predict their demise until they report their financials. :cool:
Serious question, but what is it about a larger screen that suddenly makes a device or company more innovative? I thought it was all about the software? Sure widgets on a phone are fun, but I'm not buying a phone to stare at the weather all day. I still think Apple has a chance. They keep having breakout quarter after quarter. People always predict their demise until they report their financials. :cool:

It's bigger. You can see more. It's easier to read, surf the web, your thumbs make fewer errors when typing etc... The only drawback to the bigger screens is portability, really.

Even Apple admitted this by releasing the iPhone 5, otherwise it would have had a 3.5 inch screen.
I'm not sure how reliable this poll is but from what I can see from recent market trends and my own experiences, Android is taking the mainstream market while iPhones are becoming more niche. Personally I don't think Apple minds this. They aren't out to compete with Android on customisability and varying hardware, they cater to their niche customers and do it well, that's how its always been. I think we're seeing the bubble burst and the company value will shrink a little but they're not going to fail, just drift from the mainstream a little.
I'm not sure how reliable this poll is but from what I can see from recent market trends and my own experiences, Android is taking the mainstream market while iPhones are becoming more niche. Personally I don't think Apple minds this. They aren't out to compete with Android on customisability and varying hardware, they cater to their niche customers and do it well, that's how its always been. I think we're seeing the bubble burst and the company value will shrink a little but they're not going to fail, just drift from the mainstream a little.
couldn't have said it better! Still the most profitable company in the world.....
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