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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 6, 2003
Ok, so what are these Apple Software Proof of Purchase Coupons that i got with my 2 iBooks??

Do they entitle their holders to some kind of discount on future OSX updates (i.e. Panther), or dare i say it, free updates? or are these just for 10.2.x update cds? Who knows!!
I purchased my first Mac, an LC520 in 1993/4 and since then I've built up a collection of over 20 software coupons. In almost 10 years I've never come across an offer from Apple that has enabled me to use one.

Apple should stop wasting the paper they're printed on.
Only time I've seen them used was for the 10.0 to 10.1 upgrade in 2001. You could order the upgrade for $15 and a POP coupon. Or take your POPcoupons to a local Apple store and get the disk for free.

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