Just wanted to report my experience at the Apple Store on Saturday (Washington State). I purchased my 64gb wifi iPad on launch day and have struggled with wifi performance from the beginning.
Part of my problem was that I'm using a Sprint Overdrive to connect to the internet and the first one I was given was defective. Even after it was replaced I was still getting consistent time-outs when trying to hit links in Safari, iCab and Perfect Browser. I'm really patient so I have been just dealing with it over the past two months (turning off my wifi, turning it back on, turning off my iPad, turning back on - resetting my Airport Extreme...everything!).
I finally made an appointment with a Genius to take a look at my iPad after a very fruitless morning of attempting to surf online while my husband was watching the World Cup. They verified that there was some software corruption on my iPad and asked if they could do a restore, which I okayed.
Even after the restore, the guy who was helping me was able to reproduce the time-outs when hitting links in a browser, though he did have to try for a few minutes.
He then asked me what every customer wants to hear, "What will it take to make you happy?". <happy sigh> So, I inquired whether it would be possible to swap out my wifi iPad for a 3G version and pay the difference. He checked and miraculously, they had a 64GB 3G iPad in stock and returned my original iPad with *no restocking fee*.
I'm beyond thrilled and very happy with my experience overall. It did take nearly an hour for the entire process from start to finish and I was very patient and friendly with the staff while I was there, which I'm sure was very instrumental to getting my original iPad returned without a fuss.
While I was waiting some guy came in complaining about his iPhone (didn't hear the details) but he literally slammed his fist on the table when he didn't get the answer he wanted. You could see everyone getting very uncomfortable and he left the store without anything a few minutes later.
Moral of the story - be nice!! It never hurts!!
Part of my problem was that I'm using a Sprint Overdrive to connect to the internet and the first one I was given was defective. Even after it was replaced I was still getting consistent time-outs when trying to hit links in Safari, iCab and Perfect Browser. I'm really patient so I have been just dealing with it over the past two months (turning off my wifi, turning it back on, turning off my iPad, turning back on - resetting my Airport Extreme...everything!).
I finally made an appointment with a Genius to take a look at my iPad after a very fruitless morning of attempting to surf online while my husband was watching the World Cup. They verified that there was some software corruption on my iPad and asked if they could do a restore, which I okayed.
Even after the restore, the guy who was helping me was able to reproduce the time-outs when hitting links in a browser, though he did have to try for a few minutes.
He then asked me what every customer wants to hear, "What will it take to make you happy?". <happy sigh> So, I inquired whether it would be possible to swap out my wifi iPad for a 3G version and pay the difference. He checked and miraculously, they had a 64GB 3G iPad in stock and returned my original iPad with *no restocking fee*.
I'm beyond thrilled and very happy with my experience overall. It did take nearly an hour for the entire process from start to finish and I was very patient and friendly with the staff while I was there, which I'm sure was very instrumental to getting my original iPad returned without a fuss.
While I was waiting some guy came in complaining about his iPhone (didn't hear the details) but he literally slammed his fist on the table when he didn't get the answer he wanted. You could see everyone getting very uncomfortable and he left the store without anything a few minutes later.
Moral of the story - be nice!! It never hurts!!