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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 17, 2006
Maryland, USA
I ordered a free Nano with my 18-year-old daughter's college MacBook. The Nano will go to her 15-year-old sister. I let the 18-year-old choose a gift message. can't say I know what it means; is it from Harry Potter? Anyway, it's obviously not nice...but Apple printed it!

I wonder whether there's anything they won't print. Or engrave. I suppose it's all done in China by automated machinery.
PaulinMaryland said:
is it from Harry Potter? Anyway, it's obviously not nice...but Apple printed it!

Yes, Avada Kedavra is one of the three unforgivable curses which kills anyone it's used on and hence is only used by those who favour the dark arts. The only person to survive it was Harry. I guess Apple only take out the Muggle offensive words. Leviosa is part of another spell to lift something into the air

Is this on the iPod and the gift message? Or just on the printed message?

Perhaps your elder daughter wasn't quite so keen on her kid sister getting the Nano and decided to take some of the pleasure out of it for her sister. I suggest allowing her kid sister to write something equally offensive across the bottom of the Macbook in indelible silver ink :p
Relax, guys. It's the printed gift message, not the engraving; Alexa chose her email address for the engraving. Alexa and her older sister get along just fine; the older one was just trying to be outrageous. And the older one didn't need the Nano because she has a full-size 30GB 5G iPod.
PaulinMaryland said:
Relax, guys. It's the printed gift message, not the engraving; Alexa chose her email address for the engraving. Alexa and her older sister get along just fine; the older one was just trying to be outrageous. And the older one didn't need the Nano because she has a full-size 30GB 5G iPod.

I thought it was heart has slowed back to it's normal pace. ;)
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