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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 8, 2006
well first to start it off, im not bashing apple, but they have been disappointing me in the past year i guess. I've had four messed up ipods and a messed up ibook. Thats almost 90 percent of the products i have bought from apple are messed up, amazing!!! it's like im scared to buy a product because i fear it will be defective. anyways, recently, my ipod mini was defective, and it is still under warranty, but the "genius" asked that, if there is a problem with the mini's battery, there will be a 30$ charge. Has anybody else paid this charge even if its under warranty. I have never payed any charge with apple if it is still under warranty. The "genius" explained that the 30$ charge was because it was over the 6 months limit. Really disappointed, i don't know if they changed the rules or what, but that sucks, im not paying them anything when i had 90 percent of my products messed up.
sorry if it sounds im bashing apple, but im not happy with their services.



macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 8, 2006
that is probably true, i have never had any defective electronic products in my life. I don't know, but does anybody have the answer for the 30$? is that a new rule or something, im confuzed about that.



macrumors G4
Rechargeable batteries are rarely covered by warranties since their treatment can have a big effect on their lifetime. I'd suspect that Apple were getting burned by folks taking their iPods back in at 11 months saying their batteries were running down fast and then requesting new ones.

You haven't said what's wrong with your mini? If it is a battery issue, then they'll charge you $30 and replace your battery (it's probably less than it would cost to get it replaced later). If it's not a battery issue (ie something to do with hard drive or system being corrupt), then you won't be charged.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 8, 2006
Applespider said:
Rechargeable batteries are rarely covered by warranties since their treatment can have a big effect on their lifetime. I'd suspect that Apple were getting burned by folks taking their iPods back in at 11 months saying their batteries were running down fast and then requesting new ones.

You haven't said what's wrong with your mini? If it is a battery issue, then they'll charge you $30 and replace your battery (it's probably less than it would cost to get it replaced later). If it's not a battery issue (ie something to do with hard drive or system being corrupt), then you won't be charged.

thanks for the reply, the problem with the mini is that, it shows battery life half ways, then it turns off, the battery only lasts 6 hours and it is supposed to last 18 hours. Sometimes when i try to recharge it, it doesn't, it gets stuck. So i don't know if thats battery plus software, firmware, or just the battery, this has been happening for quite a while but finally i got time to go to the apple store. i have the warranty until april.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 5, 2003
ozer86 said:
thanks for the reply, the problem with the mini is that, it shows battery life half ways, then it turns off, the battery only lasts 6 hours and it is supposed to last 18 hours. Sometimes when i try to recharge it, it doesn't, it gets stuck. So i don't know if thats battery plus software, firmware, or just the battery, this has been happening for quite a while but finally i got time to go to the apple store. i have the warranty until april.

well by your description it sounds like the mini is what has messed up your battery and not you. If Apple does try to charge you $30 for it, then i would suggest telling them about how the mini acted when it was charging and explain that it is a hardware problem that has messed up the battery and not you. This hardware problem is apple's fault. I don't think it will require to much persuasion to convince them.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 23, 2005
London, England.
Well... I've got out of my Windows World and i love using Mac - Its just so simple and reliable and the products look amazing - I wish every computer used was a Mac.

So i disagree when you say Apple are 'struggling'


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 8, 2006
Counterfit said:
All of this is anecdotal, and proves nothing in your contention that Apple is struggling. Sucks that you got all those defective products for you. Perhaps they're allergic?

If you are going to post bs, then dont post at all, i acknowledge that it is bad luck, i still buy apple products, i got nothing against the company, i love their computers, but fanboys like you should get a life instead of bashing others. Others responded to my question, i can say a thousand things that are wrong about apple, but i can say a million a bout microsoft. I still love apple. peace.


macrumors 65816
Aug 20, 2003
Ontario, Canada
I've never bought a defective piece of Apple hardware yet. iPod, iBook, old PowerMac... my sister however got a green iPod mini and the logic board died.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 3, 2002
Chicago, IL
ozer86 said:
well first to start it off, im not bashing apple, but they have been disappointing me in the past year i guess. I've had four messed up ipods and a messed up ibook. Thats almost 90 percent of the products i have bought from apple are messed up, amazing!!! it's like im scared to buy a product because i fear it will be defective. anyways, recently, my ipod mini was defective, and it is still under warranty, but the "genius" asked that, if there is a problem with the mini's battery, there will be a 30$ charge. Has anybody else paid this charge even if its under warranty. I have never payed any charge with apple if it is still under warranty. The "genius" explained that the 30$ charge was because it was over the 6 months limit. Really disappointed, i don't know if they changed the rules or what, but that sucks, im not paying them anything when i had 90 percent of my products messed up.
sorry if it sounds im bashing apple, but im not happy with their services.


After 6 mos they make you pay a fee for iPod repairs. I don't think your experience is that unusual -- my wife blew out two iPod hard drives in 2005, I eventually bought her a Nano, hoping it would break the bad luck. My iPod Shuffle recently stopped working too ... although that's my fault, I ran it through the wash. Believe it or not, it still works fine as a flash drive, it just doesn't play the music anymore.

I've owned two iMacs (luxor lamp, now the G5 2.1 ghz with iSight) and a PB and never had a problem with any of them. The more you spend on an Apple product, the more reliable it seems to be.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 8, 2006
chicagdan said:
After 6 mos they make you pay a fee for iPod repairs. I don't think your experience is that unusual -- my wife blew out two iPod hard drives in 2005, I eventually bought her a Nano, hoping it would break the bad luck. My iPod Shuffle recently stopped working too ... although that's my fault, I ran it through the wash. Believe it or not, it still works fine as a flash drive, it just doesn't play the music anymore.

I've owned two iMacs (luxor lamp, now the G5 2.1 ghz with iSight) and a PB and never had a problem with any of them. The more you spend on an Apple product, the more reliable it seems to be.

that seems true, my first mac, which is the mini, runs very good, im in love with that thing, nothing wrong wtih it. My first ibook though, the mouse or trackpad was messed up, got it replaced with new ibook, and this one, is solid, no problems with it. But the ipods are the ones that seem to be the faulty ones. I've had a lot of friends with faulty ipods. Maybe its luck or its not. But some people in these forums really do post bs. I will try to get away with the 30 dollars, try to convince the geniuses not to charge me. peace. :D


macrumors G4
ozer86 said:
But some people in these forums really do post bs. I will try to get away with the 30 dollars, try to convince the geniuses not to charge me. peace. :D

Good luck.

I think though that some people probably just felt that your thread title was a little misleading. 'Apple Struggling' might have been appropriate if it was about cashflow problems, reduction in market share etc whereas it was only about some bad luck you seem to have had with recent purchases.

Perhaps Apple Struggling with Product Quality? or just 'My Bad luck with iPods' would have been more appropriate. "$30 fee to check iPod under warranty?" might have got you more people who were aware of the fee and could answer.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 8, 2006
Applespider said:
Good luck.

I think though that some people probably just felt that your thread title was a little misleading. 'Apple Struggling' might have been appropriate if it was about cashflow problems, reduction in market share etc whereas it was only about some bad luck you seem to have had with recent purchases.

Perhaps Apple Struggling with Product Quality? or just 'My Bad luck with iPods' would have been more appropriate. "$30 fee to check iPod under warranty?" might have got you more people who were aware of the fee and could answer.

i knew that was going to happen, i didn't know what title to put, but in reality, i am a bit disappointed with apple and my bad luck you can say, who shall i blame i dont know. this is my first thread!!


macrumors 6502a
Jan 9, 2005
At the Airport. UK
i tend to have this unluckiness with such devices as mobile phones and other tech gagetry, but never once had a problem with apple hardware or software on its own. it does happen unfortunately.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 23, 2004
If you think that Apple is struggling now with there quality control you should have checked in around 2002. :eek: Apple had major issue with quality back than. However I can't complain so far all my Apple products have been pretty decent in quality.


Jan 18, 2005
2 iPods, 1 PowerBook, 1 set of Inner Ear headphones. no problems here. ever.

My PC side isn't so lucky. But I know why; never ever buy cheap computers. I've had a full run of the mill P4 computer, mainstream memory, video card, all typical stuff. works like a dream (most days). Ditto for my old IBM laptop. But... I have a 3ghz cheap laptop that performs like a disabled dog. Its just not funny anymore! the HDD is shot to pieces, the DVD drive doesn't work when it wakes from sleep, finding drivers for it is a nightmare, USB randomly stops working.

I'm confident in buying from Apple. They're the only manufacturers (along with Dell) that I'd trust if something went wrong with their product.


macrumors 6502
Sep 22, 2003
Detroit, Michigan
Sorry to hear about your terrible luck. I myself have terrible luck with Sony products. 100% of those managed to break... darn.

I have a 12" PB and a 4.5G iPod. Neither of them have problems. My sister also has a 4.5G iPod and it's problem free as well. :)


macrumors 6502
Feb 4, 2004
if there's problems with it locking up then that should be enough to get it replaced, or at the very least have them do test it.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 8, 2006
liquidh2o said:
if there's problems with it locking up then that should be enough to get it replaced, or at the very least have them do test it.

yea right now it is on their hands doing a battery check, which most likely is going to be replaced by a refurbished unit. But i will try to get away with the 30$, i never heard of anybody paying a sum if it is still under warranty. it shouldn't be a problem. i was just surprised, because a year a go, my 4g ipod's battery h ad the same problem, and i had it the entire unit replaced at no charge since it was still under warranty. Thanks for the feedback though, im sure apple products are quality, but whoever manufactures them, suck!!

After G

macrumors 68000
Aug 27, 2003
Are all the iPods from the same source? Are the defective products from the same store? There's a lot of variables that go into getting s***** equipment a bunch of times in a row.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 8, 2006
After G said:
Are all the iPods from the same source? Are the defective products from the same store? There's a lot of variables that go into getting s***** equipment a bunch of times in a row.

hmm, the original ipod was online order. then the replacement was from an apple store, the third replacement was the same place. this ipod mini i bought at that same store in santa monica. my mac mini was online order, but my faulty ibook was from the santa monica apple store. this second ibook is running good. my gf's ibook is messed up though, the combo drive makes noise with a cd inside, and the track pad makes a horrible noise, like it is out of place, i think i can fix that myself. that ibook th ough was purchased at frys. so i mean, all products vary from where i purchased them. so i dont know, its just the l uck i guess.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 28, 2004
Central Pennsylvania, USA
Within the 90 days of purchase it's free to replace it, after that they charge you $30, which is only the shipping through DHL. You are far better off getting AppleCare and not having to pay a penny for 2 years, you have to pay the $30 now, so why not throw up another $30 for insurance.
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