My Girlfriend and I were in Seattle alittle while back and bought a headphone adaptor from the apple store. Well when she inserted the adaptor the tip broke off in the phone. We went back to Seattle (5hr drive) to the Apple store and see if they could fix the phone. Well they tried and ended up giving her a new phone. less then 1hr later the phone didnt work correctly. kept saying this accessory not made for the iPhone. even though nothing was inserted. We took the phone back yet again explained where we lived and how much of a hassle this was. They ended up replacing the phone again. This time the phone worked for like 2 weeks now half the screen doesnt accept touch at all. the bottom half just doesnt work. kinda weird it is exactly 1/2 the screen. Upon calling apple she found out that her year was over and that she was out of warranty. they said they could sell her a refurb for 199. What the hell is the point of that she can get a new phone for that. I feel they should replace her phone with a model that actually works since they apparently dont test their refurbs that well. Since it has been less then a month since she got the replacment is there any course of action we can take?