Since the beginning everyone has always been tough on microsoft because they release products which crash and have a lot of bugs. Recently Apple has been the same way to a certain degree. The quality with respect to their MBP line has come in question, Leopard has a lot of flawa and crashes all the time when compared to Tiger, Now the release of Apple TV Take 2 has been delayed because it is not ready yet. Why introduce a product when it is not even ready to be released?
I am starting to become disappointed with Apple lately and the quality of the products they are releasing. I think they have grown so much and have expanded into so many different areas that they have lost their way.
They used to focus on a few things and make really great products, now they try to do everything and the quality of their products has suffered.
I am starting to become disappointed with Apple lately and the quality of the products they are releasing. I think they have grown so much and have expanded into so many different areas that they have lost their way.
They used to focus on a few things and make really great products, now they try to do everything and the quality of their products has suffered.