So, in other words, no actual useful new features. It figures. I was hoping for a visualizer even. Nope. Nothing. I guess we can forget about ever getting something like web browser support (which tied with an iPhone/Touch with "Remote" would be REALLY nice on my 93" screen in 720P), at least without hacking the crap out of it, like you have to do with most Apple products (e.g. iPhone) to get your money's worth. If you're willing to do that, you CAN get a web browser, codecs for things something like your digital camera actually records in (I can play my Canon A590's video in Quicktime on my Mac, but not on AppleTV because Apple thought it would be great if they didn't let you use AppleTV for doing anything useful).
Sorry, but it seems like AppleTV will only ever be useful as a tv front-end to buying more 'stuff' from Apple. It's kind of obvious considering "Search" under MUSIC doesn't mean "Search my library" but rather "Search the iTunes Store" so hopefully you'll buy some more stuff that we make it hard to find". In other words, NO you CANNOT search your own music library from AppleTV. You'd think that'd be a feature by 2.2, but like I said, they don't seem to want to add any useful functionality what-so-ever.
How about a RENT option for HD television shows? Nope. Even though most people only watch a tv show episode once or twice in a lifetime, they seem to want you to BUY tv shows, but they'll allow you to rent movies, even though you're more likely to watch those more than once. $2.99 to watch one TV episode? How about 99 Cents to rent it instead? But Apple isn't smart enough to do that. Even though it means they will never get 1 cent from me because I won't buy tv shows, they prefer that to renting them, which would mean I might be able to get rid of cable and save some real money (and they would then get that money instead of my cable company).
I like AppleTV as part of my whole house audio system (I therefore own two of them) and I do rent new HD movies with it that I haven't seen instead of going to the video store since Blu-Ray rentals are virtually non-existent on a local basis, but the device could be SO much more. I just find it ironic I can buy apps for my phone, but not for something that is actually far more powerful internally.
Heck, they can't even get the movie rental thing right. Movies have been losing their "Rent" option for some time now with no explanations given. For example, "Superbad" is listed under the "HD Must See" rental list, but when you click on it, it's only available to buy and only in standard definition. How can it be a must see HD rental if you can't rent it? The truth is it USED to be able to be rented, but that option suddenly disappeared with no explanation given. The same is true of "The Matrix" and "Pirates of the Caribbean" and most Disney movies, etc. etc. Either the movie companies suddenly decided they don't want those movies to be rented (doubtful given the two Matrix sequels are available for rent in HD and up until a few weeks ago so was the first one). So I figure this is actually a bug/mixup/screwup and Apple simply needs to be made aware of it. So I TRIED and I TRIED REALLY HARD to do just that. I reported the issue and asked them if it was intentional or a mixup and they sent me a link to another reporting form where they think I should actually ask that question instead of forwarding it themselves or attempting to find out if they're losing money because of some screwup. I then was nice enough to ask the same question on the new form. It's been about 2 weeks now and no one has replied back from that report and the last time I looked, none of those movies were available to rent so I think someone just trashed the report, ignores the problem and is probably costing Apple a lot of money considering about 5 of the "Must See HD" rentals are not available to rent.
I'm afraid that is typical of Apple. Everything is so secretive and hush hush that you can't even help them out by reporting actual screwups and bugs. They just blissfully ignore all of it. For example, it'd take them 2 minutes to add copy/paste to the iPhone, but it's "not a priority" for them even though it's clearly a huge priority for actual iPhone users. Go Apple!