Just wondering if anyone else si still experiencing this i think it happened around itunes 10.3.
But my previously Meta tagged movies no longer show a description when looking at them on the apple tv.
Also what is the best program for adding meta data to movie and tv show files? anything better than Meta X? I have had issues with this on windows 7. Unfortunately i have to use windows as that is where my BR Drive is located. and i don't want to transfer files over to osx simply to tag them.
I guess I will if there is an excellent solution on osx that is not available on windows.
But my previously Meta tagged movies no longer show a description when looking at them on the apple tv.
Also what is the best program for adding meta data to movie and tv show files? anything better than Meta X? I have had issues with this on windows 7. Unfortunately i have to use windows as that is where my BR Drive is located. and i don't want to transfer files over to osx simply to tag them.
I guess I will if there is an excellent solution on osx that is not available on windows.