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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 23, 2006
Does the atv2 have a web browser available?

Also would love to hook up a keyboard/mouse to the tv and browse the net..

I think that would be really cool..

I am searching threads and not finding much... Most likely i am not using the right search words...Anyone here familiar with this or know any good threads to read?

There isn't a web browser by default, nor does it support keyboards and mice.

I'm not really up on the homebrew department, so I can't say for sure that they haven't added some of that. But, no, it's not available by default.
No web browser on Apple TV, but you could always just link your macbook or when it comes out iPad 2 to the tv to use with a keyboard and mouse.
If you jailbreak it there is a browser available through firecore atv flash then you can use the iPad as a remote and keyboard.
IMO web browsing on an HDTV sounds cool. In my experience, hooking a Mac Mini to an HDTV lost the cool factor after after 10 minutes. I'd rather surf the web with my MacBook or iPad and watch a movie on my HDTV.
Hi dan-o-mac,

can you please PM me too. Jailbroken but don't want to pay for firecore's recurring charges :(. Especially since most of what they offer is available with XBMC.

What recurring charging? Firecore charges a one time $20 fee for ATV2 Flash. They have put a lot of development effort into making ATV2 jailbreak and custom apps simple and accessible. They $20 they charge is well worth it, so if you want to run a Browser on your Apple TV - shell out a few bucks and support them.

And no XBMC doesn't include web browser, so it won't help what you're trying to achieve.
What recurring charging? Firecore charges a one time $20 fee for ATV2 Flash. They have put a lot of development effort into making ATV2 jailbreak and custom apps simple and accessible. They $20 they charge is well worth it, so if you want to run a Browser on your Apple TV - shell out a few bucks and support them.

And no XBMC doesn't include web browser, so it won't help what you're trying to achieve.

The $20 fee is for one year. And most of the rest of what Firecore offers I already have installed, and plenty of things they don't.

I may end up buying anyway for the web browser. But if there is an open source one out there, I would much prefer it.
It's 20 Bucks!

Sorry folks, I've never done this. But I've just got to reply...

You own a Mac Mini, MacAir, iPad2, ATV2, iPhone 4G, and you have to give more than a single thought to spend $20 to get the added features you want?

Give me a break!
Rochester, NY
Sorry folks, I've never done this. But I've just got to reply...

You own a Mac Mini, MacAir, iPad2, ATV2, iPhone 4G, and you have to give more than a single thought to spend $20 to get the added features you want?

Give me a break!
Rochester, NY

He already said he would spend the $20 but he prefers an open source solution! So, he owns a bunch of Mac stuff - that automatically makes him so wealthy that he shouldn't care about whether he feels he's getting value for his money? It's not like he is asking for a pirated or illegal copy of a piece of software either. Heck, I know people that have more computer equipment than that but don't have much spending money. In some cases, it's because their business requires it and in others it's because it's their hobby and they have made other sacrifices to be able to afford their "toys" (such as driving an older car).
Also, there is a VERY BASIC "web viewer" Add-on for XBMC (available from the main repository, under "Programs".). Read about what it can & can't do here:

It functions on ATV2 for me but I don't have a keyboard or mouse attached so it's more than a little clumsy. I didn't mention it previously since I hadn't tried it & wasn't sure it would work on ATV2. Like many Addons, I expect it will improve with time.

I suppose if I had a keyboard & mouse hooked up and had a big need for a web browser in ATV (I have my mini attached to the tv as well and use it for those purposes) then I would certainly consider spending $20 on the Firecore solution.
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Sorry folks, I've never done this. But I've just got to reply...

You own a Mac Mini, MacAir, iPad2, ATV2, iPhone 4G, and you have to give more than a single thought to spend $20 to get the added features you want?

Give me a break!
Rochester, NY

Hi Rich,

thought it was a free country and I could chose to spend (or not spend) my money I what I want...

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