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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Since having the ATV4 and updating it to the first ATV4 update I've noticed wireless connection issues. The ATV will forget the network connection but when I go into the Network Connections no wireless APs show up. It's a really weird issue and I figured it would be fixed after updating to the next tvOS version. I'm still having the same issues. I haven't tried resetting the Apple TV but I'm curious if anyone else is having the same issues with their Apple TV. I saw a few posts around the web and in Apple discussions, but it wasn't resolved, one user even replaced their Apple TV with a new one to try and resolve the issue. I had the same issue using an Airport Extreme and my current Airport Time Capsule. I can restart the Apple TV and network connectivity is restored. I've since hooked up an Ethernet cable and even after long periods of sleep it doesn't drop the connection, which I didn't expect that to happen.
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