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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 19, 2008
Curious if anyone has tried Airport 7.4.2 and streaming to their TV. I was one of many who had no luck streaming with 7.4.1 and had to revert to 7.3.2.


Apple's description of 7.4.2 firmware:

About Time Capsule and AirPort Base Station Firmware Update 7.4.2
The Time Capsule, AirPort Extreme, and AirPort Express Base Station with 802.11n* Firmware 7.4.2 update provides several fixes, including:

Fixes some problems with extending and maintaining connectivity with extended networks
Fixes an issue with clients that enable 802.11 "Power Save"
Fixes connectivity issues with some third-party devices
Fixes an issue when the base station is configured for PPPoE
Fixes some Back To My Mac issues with connectivity and support for third-party routers
Mines doing it right now, but it was doing it ok earlier this evening, before I updated to the new firmware.
Just updated my Airport Extreme Base Station (non-gigabit) to 7.4.2. Now the waiting game to see whether my ATV will stay connected to iTunes....I'm not holding my breath.
All is well here both with the :apple:TV and the Base Station after the 7.4.2 update.
I'm not having streaming trouble with 7.4.1, but then again I stream little out of iTunes, but rather stream from AFP mounts (avi's mostly). What I do hope it will help is the long ass delays when I navigate around through the drives and folders that are mounted via AFP. If not then maybe I'll try stepping back to 7.3.2 to see if that helps.
7.4.2 update went smoothly here. No connection problems from Macs, and Sync, streaming, and YouTube all fine on :apple:tv.
Smooth sailing here. Syncing seems to be a bit better...but maybe that is just the placebo talking.
No joy for me. Took only a little over an hour of inactivity before ATV dropped out of my iTunes devices list. I've been running ATV via ethernet since these drop-out issues started for me, and it hasn't done squat for me. [sigh]
I always stream from my Mini to AppleTV and even with 7.4.1, I haven't had problems.

I think the issues are with the AppleTV, to be honest. None of my other devices have had issues but the AppleTV will on occasion.
7.4.2 Disconnects

Having all sorts of problems with 7.4.2 and wireless disconnects. This is, of course, reeking havoc with my :apple: TVs (two) and my Mac Mini used to supply all the streaming via iTunes. Leopard and Snow Leopard wireless clients as well as :apple: TV's are getting knocked off all of the time.

At the same time a wired connection to the Airport works perfectly (aka the built in network switch). Upgrading the Airport devices has always been a crap shoot between working better and taking your entire network down. :mad:

Having all sorts of problems with 7.4.2 and wireless disconnects. This is, of course, reeking havoc with my :apple: TVs (two) and my Mac Mini used to supply all the streaming via iTunes. Leopard and Snow Leopard wireless clients as well as :apple: TV's are getting knocked off all of the time.

At the same time a wired connection to the Airport works perfectly (aka the built in network switch). Upgrading the Airport devices has always been a crap shoot between working better and taking your entire network down. :mad:

After trying to reload 7.4.2 several times with no changes (wife is totally hack off about this, kids are too, dad is the bad guy) I found the 7.3.2 and re-installed that. Works great. Backups are now working again, both TV are streaming HD from the Mac Mini iTunes server, I can work from home again. Life is good.

I have had Airports since the first silver UFO Airport. More times than I care to admit the Airport updates have been problematic. You think I would have learned my lesson.

But the goofy thing still keeps on offering the update and I get tired of saying "shove off mate". Need to stop that offer... I am only so strong in resisting new technology stuff... have to control myself, not hit the "upgrade" button.... arggggggg
Having all sorts of problems with 7.4.2 and wireless disconnects. This is, of course, reeking havoc with my :apple: TVs (two) and my Mac Mini used to supply all the streaming via iTunes. Leopard and Snow Leopard wireless clients as well as :apple: TV's are getting knocked off all of the time. :mad:

So I had a little time over the holidays to try this again. Upgraded to 7.4.2 on both TimeCapsule (v1) and Airport Extreme N (v1). Everything went fine for about 3 hours then it started to malfunction. All devices lost contact and I had to manually kick power off then on to get reconnected to the TC to downgrade it. Devices include iPod touch, 2 iPhones, 3 MacBook Pros, 2 Mac Mini's, 2 Apple TV's and a Wii console. None could maintain connection to the floundering wireless network. Downgrading to 7.3.2 immediately fixed the connection problems. :cool: But now, no integration with :( and my backups are all failing (my TC storage is pooched?).:mad:

Something is seriously wrong with 7.4.2 :mad: (7.4.2, "just say no" )
Back to 7.4.1

My airport and network has been pretty good but after the last large round of "patches" from Apple started acting very unstable, dropped connections, :apple:TV kept dropping etc. Just went back to 7.4.1 and everything seems ok.
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