Ah, the joys of DSL...when you get DSL you enter the legal speak of "speeds UP TO". I pay for 3M down, which is the fastest they can provide in my area. However, I routinely get closer to 1.8M. Sometimes, during the middle of the day, I get close to 2.7M. Still not sure why it changes...its must get throttled somewhere.
However, the 1.8M works ok for Hulu...until someone else in the house started using the bandwidth. If my wife starts watching Hulu, or downloading something on her ATV...it will kill it. i pretty much have to make sure no one else in the house is using much bandwidth before i start watching something on Hulu.
So again, its totally feasible with DSL, but there are issues. With TWC, it was never a problem. I was easily getting close to 10M with road runner. But i refuse to ever get another cent to TWC. So i'm happy with DSL...until we get Uverse or FiOS in the area...