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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 6, 2008
Guys I need your help,
I have apple TV take 2, my ISP requires that I use proxy server to access the net, and I use speed touch 585i V6, and since there is no way to put proxy in apple TV, I cannot use
Any of the online features that apple TV provides, so can you please help?
Or is there a way to enter the proxy inside the modem itself (I doubt it)!
Behind Proxy Server ~ HELP

I am running into the same problem...

Why would Apple negate the use of the ATV behind a proxy server. I mean, my iTunes still works, can view, buy and download any content I want and it works on my G5, MBP and iTouch... but not on the ATV. Rented movies and purchased songs show up, but "NOT AUTHORIZED TO PLAY CONTENT..." is displayed.

My question is WHY wold the ATV be different than any other Apple Device.

Is there a way to exclude a device from needing to go through the proxy or a way to enable iTunes store to not be seen by the proxy for authentification.

Is this a NAT or UnPn issue that can be addressed inside the router settings?

Please help
I'm guessing the proxy server thing has something to do with DRM.

Why would your ISP want you to use a proxy though? To speed up downloads with a cache, or to spy on what you like browsing?
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