Hoped the Samsung BluRay was all I needed
Just got the BD-C6500 with built in wireless and was thrilled to start streaming my iTunes, photos and movies to the tv... but not really working as planned. The NetFLix and Pandora are great but can't seem to get my iTunes music to play. Some pics work and some (few) movies will play but not much. I've tried Playback, Medialink, PS3 Server, Twonky, TVMobili, Rivet... same results. Usually get Unsupported Format error even though most are non-apple purchased MP3s.
Do I really have to spend another $99 to get AppleTV just so my streaming will work... I would have bought a cheaper BluRay if I had known. Those who have ATV please tell me ALL your files stream regardless of format, who you bought from, etc.