Totally Wired, But Apple TV and iTunes Keep Losing Each Other
Like Dino1956, I too am totally wired. I'm running a 100% GigE ethernet setup (except of course for the apple TV, as it only sports a 100 Mbps ethernet adapter). The server is a headless 2008 Mac mini, running 24x7 as the iTunes server. The cabling is Cat 6, the terminations are all GigE qualified. The switch is GigE rated. The router is a GigE Apple AirPort Extreme. Even the patch cables are all gigE rated. I'm 100% up-to-date with all applications, etc., including firmware on the AirPort Extreme and software (Apple TV, AirPort Utility, Leopard, Java security patches, etc.).
The problem is not my network. And by the way, I've been running this way for a couple of years with no network issues. As a result of having such a strong and fast network, I run everything on a streamed basis. Besides, the content I serve up is over 1.5 Gigs, so synching makes no sense for me.
My problem is that the apple TV just keeps disappearing from iTunes - something I had never experienced while running in the same configuration for the last couple of years. I can temporarily get the two working together again by quitting iTunes and re-starting, but it's getting more than a little old doing so daily or more frequently (especially since re-starting iTunes causes all the content to have to be acquired again from the attached storage devices - and that takes 3-4 minutes to do).
For a more permanent fix, I've tried all the home remedies that Google has brought to my attention, and that includes: Killing every iTunes plist file; Removing iTunes, dowloading a fresh copy and starting over; Re-pairing the apple TV and iTunes with a new code; Re-booting the apple TV; etc. While these "fixes" all work temporarily, they never last long. Usually, the problem resurfaces within a few hours or less (sometimes in the middle of watching a movie - it's easy to tell when, as I begin to get stutters). Over the last month and a little, I haven't been able to keep the two connected for more than a day.
Anyone have any constructive ideas on how to correct the problem or advice as to where to seek an answer?