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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 4, 2007
Has anyone else experienced an issue with their Apple TV freezing? Mine has frozen three times since Saturday morning; twice while scrolling through Photo albums and once while scrolling through movies. Each time I had to restart using the Apple remote. After the first restart, I ran the diagnostic and everything appeared fine. I'm a little worried because the Apple TV runs so "hot." If it happens again, I'm going to call Apple - just wondering if this has happened to anyone else?
Has anyone else experienced an issue with their Apple TV freezing? Mine has frozen three times since Saturday morning; twice while scrolling through Photo albums and once while scrolling through movies. Each time I had to restart using the Apple remote. After the first restart, I ran the diagnostic and everything appeared fine. I'm a little worried because the Apple TV runs so "hot." If it happens again, I'm going to call Apple - just wondering if this has happened to anyone else?
Does this happen when you are working with sync'd files or streamed files?
Both. The pictures were on the Apple TV Hard Drive (you cannot stream pictures) while the movie list was streamed from my iMac.
Hi! Mine froze twice yesterday, both times when watching TV Shows saved onto ATV hard-drive. I watched five shows yesterday, two of those "Got stuck" approx 5 min before the end (around 35min marker). If I rewind/forward I see the slider moving, but picture stays. I rewind mode, when hitting play again, picture is still the same frozen frame, but the sound is "live".

I didn't use my Apple TV yesterday so no more freezing to report but it did start making some strange sounds. I was falling asleep last night and I heard a small clicking sound. It was just loud enough to prevent me from falling asleep. It was coming from my Apple TV even though the TV was 100% powered down/shut off. I even went into the other room and disconnected the wireless link with iTunes in case iTunes was updating something on the drive (it wasn't.) I finally fell asleep but when I woke up this morning, it was doing the same thing...
I had what I thought was a freeze yesterday, but it turns out, that during a 5 minute video podcast, my remote had somehow unpaired with the :apple:TV... I did the re-pair thing and all was well... it was very odd.

I've also had video and audio podcasts spontaneously pause themselves.. with the remote sitting flat and undisturbed on the table next to me.

Another problem I've had, but so far it seems specific to The Show with Ze Frank... is audio sync issues and eventually complete unwatchability by the end of the episode... however I've also noticed this same problem playing these videos in itunes...

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