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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 9, 2011
I'm currently in France, and I'm planning to stay here for about 2 years before moving back to the states. Now, I was going to buy a Macbook here, but I noticed that the keyboard is different (they only had French keyboards), so I had to tell a friend to buy it for me and bring it to me from North America.

Is there any differences with the Apple TV if I buy it in Europe instead of North America? I'm assuming the UI language can probably be changed easily.

Also, are there limitations in terms of features that I can't use in Europe? Will I still be able to rent movies and things like that?
Hardware-wise, there is no difference. If you link the Apple TV up to your US iTunes account, you will still be able to rent Movies and TV Shows.

If you only have a European iTunes account, then you will only be able to rent Movies (I'm pretty sure you can do this in France, but someone else will have to confirm, as I live in the UK). TV Show rentals have not been introduced in Europe yet.
Hi there!

Exiled Frenchman here, please don't buy your Macs from FNAC. If you are in Paris, do yourself a favor and head over to the Louvre apple store where a sales rep will most certainly be able to hook you up with a EN-US keyboard.

Alternately, you can order from the apple store machines with the EN-us layout for free. I learned to type on a QWERTY and always got EN-US Macs (since the alu powerbook g4)

When you go on and choose your machine, here are the options you want to look for:

US international keyboard with english manual (backlit)
Clavier rétro-éclairé (Anglais International) & Guide de l'utilisateur (Anglais)

EN-US keyboard with english manual (backlit)
Clavier rétro-éclairé (US) & Guide de l'utilisateur (Anglais)

I would advise the latter, you can always set the locale to en-international if you want to but the keys layout will be standard.
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