OK this one had me intrigued...so I ran out to the guest room where our macmini resides with its sleek BT keyboard grabbed it, ran back inside and paired it with my shinny new i4, then shooed the kids watching old Conan OBrien Late Night away for my nerdy compulsion to see if this would work on my most/only loathed apple device, the TV....
To my surprise ....it worked flawlessly, and the TV didn't crash in the process, which if I am to be honest was a even larger surprise than the compatibility of a BT keyboard connecting to a phone inputting keystrokes that are being passes through wifi to a router and bounce off said router through cat6 and up to a little conundrum of a box, apples little red headed step child, the TV.
I didn't spend long but the keyboard appears to work through the remote app connecting with my computer, and through apple TVs youtube app wonderfully. No lag or stuttering from my short test.
Nice to see a example of a solid foundation for the company that is presumably going to start making a big push into the consumer electronics devices market.