You may or may not be getting the point of the post - or it might not have been clear - or both.
Yes my content was/is on my internal imac hd and an external drive backed up with time machine.
I did not lose any data when internal imac hd died - everything was backed up safely.
I also do not use, or consider, the atv a source of back up - I get that.
What I didn't get, (stupid me)
and what the problem is;
is that all the content that I purchased and downloaded directly to the atv while waiting for Imac to be repaired will not now sync with my imac and its new hard drive.
It is trapped on the atv.
If your computer dies, gets stolen, whatever, don't download any new content in the interim, because it goes directly to atv jail - as far as I know.
As soon as you try and connect a new computer to the atv - the atv gives you a warning that all content will be erased.
any solutions with out ripping out the atv hard drive?