Google TV is going to have one.
Will we see a browser in an update to compete with google?
Google TV is going to have one.
Will we see a browser in an update to compete with google?
Google TV is going to have one.
Will we see a browser in an update to compete with google?
If I wanted to browse on my TV, I'd put a TV tuner on my computer.
Why would you want to browse on a TV when you have an iPhone/iPod/iPad?
The point is not to be able to browse the internet and watch TV on the same machine, but to be able to browse the internet while watching TV. For instance, say you're watching a movie on your AppleTV and you can't figure out who the heck that cute actress is who looks so familiar. You pause the movie, go to the browser, look up the movie on IMdB and bingo! Many times, I've done the same steps, except I had to walk across the room and wake up my wife's PowerBook.
Not everyone has an iPhone/iPod/iPad. (Actually, I have an iPod, but it's an old one.)
I don't consider the lack of a browser a big deal, but I do think it would be a nice addition. I also think there will eventually be one.
Steve wants us to buy an iPad to get the ultimate browsing experience.
Why don't you buy a Google TV then if a browser is your top priority...wait, it's not out.
If I wanted to browse on my TV, I'd put a TV tuner on my computer.
Why would you want to browse on a TV when you have an iPhone/iPod/iPad?
what is the appeal of the browsing on a tv? not bashing, just curious. i have a ps3, but have never used it as a web browser.
1) Get iPad with iOS 4.2
2) Go to youtube.com
3) start a video, press airplay, send it to your AppleTV
4) ???
5) Profit
I have apps on my TV that allow browsing to a certain extent but I doubt I will ever use them, why bother when my iMac is in the same room. I like the Netflix and Amazon On Demand apps but I'll pass on the rest.
After reading the reviews about how painful it is to type in data (without using the Remote App), I wouldn't want to browse on it anyway.
The jailbreakTV will have one. Patience. : )
I agree tv web browsers aren't worth it. I don't see people wanting to search by keying their search on their remote controls.
Reading text on a Tv across the room is a less than ideal experience. Sometimes, I just get the feeling that people want features for the sake of having them.
The iPhone/iPod/iPad is not the best at sharing with a big group all at once.
The reason is the same reason why there's Youtube, Netflix, Flickr on the Apple TV. To share and watch it on a bigger screen.
What your saying is the same way as saying why have youtube on the Apple TV when it's on the iPhone/iPod/iPad. It's the sharing factor and the bigger screen.