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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 3, 2009
I'm at my wit's end with my Apple TV... updated to 10.6 and itunes would not recognize my appletv until the newest 3.0 update... went two months without it.

Now that it's finally recognized in itunes, whenever I add a new movie or tv show to my appletv, it shows up in itunes, but not on my appletv. I have to disconnect it from my itunes, reconnect and type in the 5 digit code into itunes and only then will the new additions to my itunes library show up.

If I sync the files and actually place them on the HD on apple tv, they show up. My library is far to large to sync all everything, and a complete pain, I just want to stream.

Is there an easier way of refreshing the library in appletv?
everytime I add a movie, both my AppleTV's sync for about 20 seconds then the new content shows up. This is automatic. Make sure you don't have "Disable automatic Syncing" checked in itunes (I think that's what it's called)

When you add something hit sync immediately after as this will refresh. If they still don't show up, are you sure they are playable on the appleTV? I've encoded a few times incorrectly by accident and they show in Itunes but not on AppleTV.

good luck.
I don't sync anything... I only stream. I simply want the content in itunes library to show up in appletv so that I can stream it.

I have Custom Sync checked instead of automatic because I don't want itunes to sync whichever files it thinks I want to view. I have "show only the synced items on my apple tv" unchecked. I can stream everything, but new additions to the library.

Yes, they're playable on AppleTV... Everything is encoded to appletv standards. I know the new files are compatible because when I disconnect from itunes, then reconnect, the files show up and are viewable.
Even though you have everything set to stream I believe you may still have to hit the Sync button after adding new content, so that the Apple TV can pick up the new information.
Saying that iTunes sets off an automatic sync as soon as I add new content, even though I am only streaming my content.
I concur with ladysman, in that after you are done adding content to iTunes you should press the Sync button on the Apple TV tab in iTunes.

Regardless of whether or not you sync content, you still need to sync the iTunes database.

I never had to do anything like that in the past... I'll give it a go.
I never had to do anything like that in the past... I'll give it a go.

I've always had to do that and I would think you need to because the AppleTV doesn't know that there is new content if you don't tell it too (Sync).

I stream everything on my library as well but the AppleTV stilll needs to be told there is something new. Hopefully it works for you now. If not, re-encode the file with the AppleTV preset in handbrake and try again.

The thing I was talking about as far as syncing is actually in the Preferences of iTunes and not on the AppleTV menu of iTunes.
Syncing doesn't seem to happen when the ATV is in use, I let mine run the screen saver for a while. When I go back, it's there.

Maybe I'm doing it the hard way :)
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